Thursday, January 8, 2015

Sleep Training: Day 3

As much as I hoped for another cry-free night, that wish did not come true. However, when Hannah did cry, it was more of a complaining sort of "wah wah wah" and not a full-blown-red-in-the-face type of cry. We did the usual routine and I set her down at about 7:40. She was quiet for a minute or two and then started to fuss. I decided to take a shower. When I got out at 8:00, silence. Steve told me that she stopped crying about 2 minutes before I got out of the shower, so Hannah fussed for no more than 20 minutes. Not too bad.

As far as naps during the day, she seems to go down easily. I just go through the routine and she rubs her face against my shoulder and fusses a bit. I lay her down and pat her for a few seconds and she falls asleep. It almost seems like as soon as she hits the bed, she feels more comfortable and then settles into sleep.

From what I remember, after training Nathan, he would fuss for about 10 minutes before falling asleep for awhile (like a few weeks). I'm curious to find out how long Hannah will fuss before she falls asleep. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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