Wednesday, January 21, 2015

5 Month Foodie and Awesome Big Brother

To my two adorable, growing up too fast children, 
These past 5 months have flown right by. Hannah is now 5 months old and as cute as a button. 

Whenever I put Hannah on her back, she loves to play with her toes. She also likes to rub her two feet together. This causes socks to fly off and sometimes they do so in a non-explainable projectile fashion.

 Hannah is getting happier with tummy time, especially if she has new things to look at. One day, I decided to put her by a window. She happily looked outside for a bit before getting too fussy.
 And she's got super chubby cheeks. Just too kissable.
 This was Nathan when he was 5 months old almost 2 years ago.
Like many babies at 5 months of age, she loves to be pulled up into a standing position. 
 She has also become quite active at the activity center. We try to change out the toys once in a while.
 Hannah giggled one more time this week. This happened when we were coming down the stairs. Nathan was being silly and jumping down each stair and saying "kaboom!" after each step. That made Hannah giggle out loud.

At almost 5 months, Hannah is starting to lose the reflex where she pushes food out. This past week we were successfully able to feed her some avocado and she gummed a piece of steamed broccoli. She got so impatient with us feeding her that she was able to grab the spoon and tried to feed herself.

I'm also hoping that she is turning a new corner in the sleep department. Last night she slept 7.5 hours straight. She probably could've slept longer, but I woke her up to eat and then she went back down for another 3.5 hours. Will this baby be able to sleep through the night by the time she is 6 months old? I don't know. We'll see. 

As far as sleep schedule goes, Hannah is going to bed at around 7:30 - 8 pm. Waking up once or twice at night to nurse and wakes up at around 7:30. Then she takes 1-2 short naps before lunch, a longer nap around 1 and depending on the length of the long nap, maybe a short cat nap around 5:30. 

Big brother is still napping pretty well from about 1:45 in the afternoon to about 4. When he wakes up sometimes he is groggy and grumpy. Sometimes he is silly and happy. But I love his bedhead!

 Can you believe that the weather has been in the upper 60's, lower 70's these past few days? We've taken advantage of this and we take nice long walks. Nathan pretty much rides his scooter wherever we go now. In fact, he's gettting so good at steering that he can follow a line while riding his scooter.
 It's pretty funny to see how you guys still don't really understand the concept of a long time. Whenever we call Nathan a "big boy" he always eagerly asks us, "Nathan big boy. Drive car?" Unfortunately, I have to say, "Not yet, when you are big like mommy and daddy."

This past week Nathan has either had a cold, and/or has suffered from cedar allergies. One night it got so bad that he started wheezing. We brought out good ol' Sammy the seal and Nathan actually remembered what he needed to do, despite it being over a year since we used it. We could tell that he could tell that the medication was helping him feel better.
 The relationship between Hannah and Nathan continues to grow everyday. Hannah continues to adore her big brother and Nathan gingerly tries to entertain Hannah.

 This morning, instead of snatching a toy away from Hannah, Nathan helped Hannah retrieve her dropped toy! (Excuse the messy dinner table. We just don't know what to do with the 3 huge boxes of Taiwanese pineapple cakes we recently bought from Costco)
We are going to have a pretty busy upcoming week. In a few days we will be hosting another baby party at our house to recreate this picture that we took 2 years ago.
It's going to be interesting. I will post details about it next week!

Stay cute and tiny for now.


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