Wednesday, August 8, 2012

31 Weeks

Pregnancy at 31 weeks is still not bad. I'm still mobile, I can still zumba, swim, bike ride, lift weights and get around fairly well. The only new symptom that has showed up are hot flashes. They only happen when I'm napping or sleeping. Suddenly, I'll wake up and my head is steaming hot. Luckily, it goes away in a few minutes, but it's a bit annoying. And my appetite is finally getting better. I feel like I'm hungry more often, so I eat frequent, small meals. A new thing that I've added to my snack repertoire are kale chips. They are incredibly easy to make and very yummy. I take a half a bunch of kale, tear off the leaves, drizzle some garlic infused olive oil over them and gently toss. Then, I bake them in the oven at 350 degrees F for about 10-12 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and eat. They are quite delicious.
All throughout the first 2 trimesters, I've been doing really well with controlling my sweets intake. However, I feel that lately, I've been indulging more than I should be. I really need to work on that this week.

Apparently our Honey Bun is now 16 inches long and about 3.3 pounds. He's moving a lot more and the movements are more like twists and turns instead of short kicks. He is most active in the morning and in the evening. I can feel it when he hiccups and it's really cute. I'm not sure if I'm getting any braxton hicks contractions yet, but if I am, they are not painful. I can sometimes feel my stomach turn hard, but I don't know if it's a contraction, or if it's just gas. =P

This Friday, I'm going to go to a cloth diapering class to learn more about this whole system. Hopefully, but this weekend, I will have decided on a system and can start to order some diapers so they will get in on time. 

My friend Kathleen (a fellow sheep lover) got our Honey Bun some presents. They are soooo cute. Check them out:

Sheep Booties! 

Well, I think I'm happy with the nursery. All the main components are up. Here's a sneak peak.
I finally got the valence to stay up. Thanks to Melissa who suggested 3M command strips.

That's it for now. 9 Weeks to go! 

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