Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Week 68

Dear Nathan,
It seems like this past week has gone on forever. Don't know why, considering we had a lot to do, it has not gone by as quickly as other weeks have. Well, let's start off with your first dentist visit. Technically, it was for me to get a cleaning, but you met the dentist. While I was getting my teeth cleaned, you sat in your stroller, just watching. After awhile you got bored, so some toy magnets kept you busy for a bit. When the hygenist was almost done, you started to get fussy, so I just pulled you up to sit on my lap, and you were as content as can be.

The next day, we met up with a friend and went to an inflatable place. You had so much fun trying to keep balance on the jumpy castles and racing your friend down the slide.

Later that day, you had your 15 month check-up. We went to see a new doctor (who happens to be our neighbor) and everything was great. And you still fall in your usual 3-5 percentile group for weight, but your height is slightly above average. You received 3 shots and took it like a champ. You cried for less than 5 seconds and it was all better. You also didn't have any reaction to this group of shots.

This weekend was a bit uneventful since Daddy's got severe cedar allergies, so it was just you and me. We went to the playground, took a ride on the bike, and you even helped me take the Christmas decorations down outside.

Our normal chinese class went well, except for you constantly wanting to hug/tackle the other babies. You need to be more gentle.

Yesterday afternoon, you helped me assemble your new desk. You helped me a lot by retrieving materials and tools for me, as well as putting the wooden dowels in the proper holes. Afterwards, we went to a play group where you met 3 new friends from our neighborhood. They are all slightly older than you, the oldest kid just turned 2. It was neat for me to talk to the ladies about being a mom. Their Indian perspective of raising a child is very similar to how the Chinese do it, with some differences, of course. Both you and I had lots of fun playing and meeting new people.

On the sleep front, since you are sleeping for only 45 mins. - 1 hour each day, I've decided to see if I can lengthen your afternoon nap by having you sleep a bit less at night. Before, you slept from 8-8:30 and then took an hour nap in the afternoon. This schedule didn't give me much downtime in the afternoon and it make a pretty late start of a day. So, I've been gently waking you up around 7:45 and seeing if you will sleep longer in the afternoon. Yesterday's nap was horrible, you slept on and off for a total of maybe 30 minutes. You were cranky by bedtime, clingy and just not to fun to be around. Let's see how today's nap goes.

It seems like you are eating more food overall, but still rejecting the veggies. I guess I will continue to make smoothies for you so at least you get some veggies in your diet.

Well, until next week!

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