These past 2 weeks have been pretty exciting. First, we drove up to Dallas to celebrate an early Christmas with Grandma and Aunt Momo. You did very well on the trip. The first two hours, we played games and read books. After lunch, you pretty much slept the rest of the way. Unfortunately, started to get sick that day and pretty much felt a bit under the weather for the rest of the trip.
We celebrated and you got to open your first set of presents. You weren't quite sure what to do with the paper, but once you realized that you could rip it, you continued to tear it up. I still think you are more interested in the process than the gifts inside. Maybe for your birthday, we'll just wrap random boxes and have you open them.
(The pics on this post are not of great quality because some mamarazzi packed the camera, charger, SD card, but forgot to pack the battery, so the camera phone was all we had.)
The next day, we went to the airport to catch a flight to Chicago. Our flights were delayed a bit, so we spent almost 3 hours at the airport. You were pretty happy walking around, waving at people, and once I showed you the escalators, that's all you wanted to do. Go up and down, up and down the escalators. We must have ridden the escalators up and down at least 10 times.
The flight to Chicago was nice. We read books, played with puppets and you slept for about 30 minutes. Before we knew it, we were there. The plane we were on had nice spacious seats and it was a breeze hanging out with you, the seats on the return flight were a different story.
When we arrived at the Chicago airport, we waited at the baggage claim for a long time and didn't see our luggage. Luckily grandpa called me and reminded me that we left from Dallas, and not Austin. Eventually, we found our luggage, it had actually arrived on an earlier flight and was sitting in between 2 carousels. But we couldn't find your car seat. After asking 2-3 people who all gave us different answers, it finally arrived on another flight... 2 hours after we landed. So, it was a long day.
Next day was Christmas Eve. Your great-grandparents came to visit and you enjoyed reading with great-grandma and playing the sorting blocks with great-grandpa.
The next day was Christmas Day. We opened presents, went to church, and then went over to another set of great-grandparents for Mommy's favorite holiday tradition: Christmas at the Sieberts. After eating a lot of corn and turkey (off of the bone, of course) the tryptophan kicked in and you went down for a long nap. During that time, you missed the white elephant gift exchange. Mommy got a can of "dragon meat" and Dad was fortunate enough to have everything stolen from him. (Which sometimes is a really good thing.)
You woke up in time to go sledding for the first time. Since it was so cold outside, and we didn't have the proper snow gear, we only went down the hill a few times. The first time you went down, you really didn't know what to think. Look at you, all bundled up!
After everyone was all warm and dry, the Christmas band formed for their annual special performance. Every now and then, I would sneak a peak at you and you had the biggest smile on your face. You really enjoyed watching all of us play our instruments. I wonder what instrument you will play when you grow up. Uncle Tim gave us one of his guitars. I am really excited to learn how to play the guitar.
The day after Christmas, you were not feeling to great, so we took you to the clinic so that the doctor could get a good look at you. She said that your ears were swollen, and you had a lot of congestion in your chest. She prescribed some antibiotics, but suggested that we use our judgement on whether or not to give it to you after trying a humidifier for a day or so. Well, the humidifier worked pretty well and we ended up not giving you any antibiotics after all.
On Friday, we visited the great-grandparents again. We played some games and you played with great-grandma's musical angels. You were really mesmerized with the dancing and the harmonized singing that they could do.
Last year, we built a snowman your size and took a picture. Well, it's now a tradition.
On Saturday, we drove downtown to the mall so that your cousin Grace could get her American Girl doll's ears pierced. We looked around the lego and shoe store. Afterwards, we drove to Chinatown and got a bunch of yummy hand pulled noodles. You liked it a lot and was slurping the noodles down faster than you could chew them.
On Monday, we visited Eli's cheesecake factory. You walked in, saw all the baked cookies and cakes and let out a loud "Mmmmmm." During the presentation about the history of the company, you kept pointing at the cheesecakes in front of us and fussing for some. When it was all said and done, we got to sample a few bites of cheesecake. You pretty much scarfed those down. I mean, who doesn't like cheesecake?

The next day, we were Texas bound. Our flight left at noon, so after we got checked in, we picked up some McDonalds for lunch. You had your first chicken nuggets. I wasn't sure if you were going to eat it since the meat wasn't on the bone, but then again, are McNuggets "meat"? You enjoyed dipping the nuggets in the sauces. Your favorite one is sweet and sour (mine too).
The flight went well, but as I mentioned above, I just felt really cramped. You slept for about an hour this time and it was nice to also have Daddy beside us. (I forgot to mention that we took different flights on the way there).
While we were sitting at the baggage claim (with intermittent trips to the escalators) waiting for the luggage to arrive, we discovered that you found the bags falling down the ramp hilarious. Daddy took a short snippet of video to capture your reaction.
After Aunt Momo picked us up, we stopped by her house to pick up Teddy and we went to a Korean restaurant where you ate a lot of chicken wings. Well, 2 wings is a lot for you. The next day, we went and had more Chinese food (which is one of the main reasons mommy likes to go visit grandma in Plano) for lunch and dinner to celebrate grandma's Chinese birthday.
You must have been hungry or like the food a lot because I have never seen you eat so much food in your life. You were pretty much a bottomless pit. You even had room for some of grandma's taro-coconut cake.
The 4 hour drive home went pretty smoothly as well. We played for the first hour and then you just drifted off to sleep. When we got home, I changed you into your PJ's, put you in your crib, you fussed for a few minutes, and then fell asleep until 8:15 in the morning. It was nice, considering you've been waking up at 6:30 - 7:00 every morning in Chicago.
Things are back to normal for now. I think you were ready to come home. The night before we drove back was a rough night for you (and us). You were up for almost 3 hours during the night. We didn't know what was wrong. I think perhaps you were just homesick.
So this concludes this week's update. I'm actually going to make a few side-posts on my mission to add more veggies into your diet. It's going to be a long process, but I think it'll be worth it.
Eat your veggies.
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