Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Week 67

Dear Nathan,
You are definitely getting better at letting us know what you want. And sometimes you have quite a way to show it. This week a behavior emerged and I'm not quite sure if it's instinctual, or learned from some little brat at the gym. But this is definitely brat behavior and we are not going to allow it. When you don't get you way, you dramatically sit down. If we didn't see you or react, you would try it again. If we happen to look your way, you would sometimes (dangerously) throw back your head and yell. Well, I'm happy to report that since you did not get the attention that you were wanting, this sort of bratty behavior has started to simmer away. You have a good repertoire of signs that you can use for communication. Just remember to use it.

This has been a pretty cold week. We've missed a day or two of afternoon walks. One day, you had enough of it and figured out a way to show us that you wanted to go outside. First, you brought your gloves to me. I took them and just put them away. Then you pointed at the door, but I don't think I paid too much attention. Then, you pushed your trike to the door and grunted at us, pointing to the door like this:
 So, to reward your tenacious efforts, I bundled you up and we went on a short walk. You were happy.

The world of make-believe has started to become more real to you. In the past, you would just pretend to drink from cups. But now, you pretend to cook with spoons and empty bowls. You even will put the spoon to your mouth, taste it, and say "Mmmm" It is so terribly cute when you do that.

You've started to gain an interest with playing with stuffed animals and little people. Here you are feeding Charlie the dog a carrot.
Sometimes you will imitate what I do with the animals and have them eat various parts of another person's body. You will even imitate the sound effects that come out of my mouth. But I think the cutest thing that you do with your animals is when you put two of them, face to face, and have them kiss each other.

Your sleep is still about the same. You sleep from 8pm to 7:30-8:00 am with an hour and a half nap in the afternoon. Sometimes you will fall asleep in the car in the late morning if we are out, but that little 20 minute nap doesn't seem to interfere with your afternoon nap.

You are doing awesome at eating. You are starting to accept more meats that are off of the bone. You love rice and noodles, but we are still lacking in the veggie department. When I introduce a new veggie to you, you will cautiously put it into your mouth and then immediately spit it back out. Then, if I put a veggie in front of you that you have recently tried, you don't even touch it.  I've come to the conclusion that it is a texture thing. Hopefully you'll grow out of this. In the meantime, I'll still continue to offer you veggies, encourage you to try them, and puree veggies into your smoothies. I've talked to moms whose children don't eat any fruits or vegetables, so I guess this could be way worse.

We are starting to think that you are speaking or attempting to say words. Sometimes you stutter a sound like you are trying to make a certain sound, but can't. I'm not sure if that's normal, but your 15 month appointment is coming up and I can ask the doctor then.

You are starting to understand "put toys away." I recently came up with a clean up song for my chinese class and have even been singing it at home. Now, when I start to sing the song, you start to look for things to put away. It's kind of neat.

You are getting pretty good at the gym. When I have dropped you off each morning, you just go to some toys and play. You don't even get a bit upset when I leave. And then when I come back, you are usually playing toys with another little baby. The ladies at the gym say that you are a great sharer and a ladies man too.

Over the break, we got you a table and chair set from Ikea. I'm going to hack it and add some seat cushions to it and perhaps even paint the table/chair set. I'll post the final product when I'm finished with it.

You seem pretty attracted to ladders and steps. One day, daddy was adjusting a light fixture on a ladder. Before we knew it, you had climbed half way up the ladder and couldn't go any further because Daddy's feet were in the way. You are a brave little one.

Speaking of things that you are attracted to, you are also attracted to buttons and switches. Anytime you see a button, or switch, you want to go try it out. For example today, I took you to a story/sign-language class at a local book store. Lots of kids were sitting quietly, listening to the lady read or talk. Lots of kids were running around, "exploring" and while you sat quietly and observed for the first half of the class, in no time, you were itching to walk around with the other roaming kids. But you were the only one who seemed to be drawn towards the teacher's CD player. You just wanted to turn the know (to change the volume) and press the buttons. Daddy has discovered that you just like to push the buttons to see if it does anything. You don't care what it does, you just care about if it does anything.

Well, it's back to the old routine for now. We still have a bunch of Christmas decorations to take down. Last year, it wasn't until around Valentines Day when we finally took the tree down. Hopefully we don't procrastinate that long this year.

Until next week,

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