After reading through the relevant chapters of Richard Ferber's book, I decided to analyze Nathan's sleep patterns. I've been taking this data since the beginning of the year but I just looked at the data for the past month or so. So, as far as I can see, Nathan sleeps about 11 hours each night and needs about 12-14 hours of sleep total each day.

Here are a few things that I have found to work for Nathan contrary to what some of the books say.
- Sleep does not necessarily beget more sleep. If I tank Nathan up during the day with a long nap, he will not sleep as well at night. If he skips his naps during the day, he will tend to sleep longer at night...but will be difficult to put down, due to being overtired.
- If he cries (like a real full out cry) for more than 15 minutes he's not ready for sleep.
- Dream feeds work.
- A consistent bedtime routine is so important. If I shorten it or skip it, he will not fall asleep as easily.
- Wait for sleepy cues before putting him down. Don't go by the clock, although use the clock as a guideline.
- 7:00 is not necessarily a good time to put Nathan down. He will wake up too early if I do. (Or have a tough time falling asleep in the first place)
- Swaddling at 6 months is still effective.
- If he falls asleep while nursing, I will still go through the routine. This will usually wake him up enough to be put down semi-awake. (Except during night feedings and the dream feed).
- White noise worked to help Nathan learn how to fall asleep on his own.
If I come up with any more, I'll be sure to post them. What worked for Nathan may not work for another baby. I just thought I'd post what I've learned.
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