If I thought last week was rough, the end of this week was even worse. Let me start at the beginning of the week. Nathan probably went through a growth spurt last week because the day after I wrote the last post, he started to sleep better. He's still sleeping 2.75 - 3 hour stretches at night, but I've come to accept that this is how it's going to be (Although last night, we had a 3.75 hr. stretch). He's still on the small side for his age, so I'm guessing that this is his way of catching up.
As far as milestones go, he is doing very well. This week I've noticed that Nathan is tracking objects better. There is no longer a long 5 second lag. He's also starting to bat at objects and will grab my hair and shirt. When I have him on the ground for tummy time, he is also grabbing the blanket that I have laid down underneath him. He can also sit upright on his Boppy pillow!
And stand up while holding onto something for support.
So it turns out that we were unable to have the baby party afterall. It turns out that the day before the party, I started to get the sniffles. I probably got it when I went to the doctor to get my carpel tunnel syndrome checked out. But, I was sad to have to send out the message to the other mommies, canceling the party. The next day, I felt pretty horrible. All I wanted to do was sleep. Luckily, Steve was home to help take care of Nathan, so I was able to get a bit of shut eye during the day. Fast forward a couple of days, and Nathan starts to cough occasionally. On Monday, he starts to have a stuffy/runny nose. I got a chance to use the Nose Frida for the first time. So if you use the picture below as a reference, you stick the blue end against one of his nostrils and as you suck on the red end, you will see and hear an oddly satisfying sound as snot gets sucked out of his nasal cavities and into the tip of the tube. It's pretty suckin' awesome!
That first 24 hours, I was pretty much sucking his boogers out every 45 minutes - 1.5 hours (even through the night) because he was start to get super fussy. With me getting over my own cold, and waking up every hour and a half, was not fun at all. Nevertheless, we got through that first night and daylight came once again.
That morning, Nathan felt a bit hot, so I took his temperature with the infrared ear thermometer and it read 99.5 degrees...a little hot for him. So, I called up the nurse and she told me that I should bring him in if his temperature was above 100.4 degrees and he was getting fussy. Oh, and I had to take his temperature rectally. I thought to myself, great. He doesn't like getting his boogers sucked out, good luck with sticking a thermometer up his butt. So, I put some lube on the thermometer, turned him onto his side and did it. To my surprise, he took it very well. The whole time, he was looking at stuff on the wall. Before I knew it, the thermometer started to beep and to my horror, it read 101.4.
I then went into panicky first time crazy mommy mode and thought I need to take him in. He has a fever and if it gets any higher, he's going to have brain damage and I don't want to give him Tylenol because there has been studies that correlate Tylenol usage for children under 7 to asthma. So, I called up the ped's office and made an appointment.
Later, when I was a bit more rational, I realized that maybe he didn't need to go in to see the doctor just quite yet. A fever is a body's way of fighting pathogens and plus his fever wasn't that high. Other than being a bit hot and congested, he was still a pretty happy baby. So, I decided to just wait it out, but call the nurse again, just to be sure. She advised me to give him Tylenol and if his fever didn't go down, to give him a nice long bath.
With a sick baby, we made the journey to the grocery store and picked up some grape Tylenol. The rest of the day went ok. He didn't sleep well, but I attributed that to the stuffiness. As obsessed as I was about sucking the snot out of him, it seems as more always returned as soon as I finished.
Last night was much better. We turned the humidifier on in his room and it seemed to help a lot. He was still able to breathe when I went in at night to nurse him. It seems like things are looking up...except Steve now has the sniffles and a sore throat. :(
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