Nathan received his vaccinations, took them like a champ, but became very fussy the rest of the day and had a low grade fever that night. Other than that, he's a happy baby. The pediatrician was a bit concerned about him not sleeping longer at night and suggested that I start to sleep train him and even start him on solids. I'm all about him sleeping for longer stretches at night, but I'm just afraid that I would be depriving him of much needed nutrition if I force him to sleep a bit longer. However, the pediatrician said that he would grow better if he was sleeping for longer stretches at night. I think I'm going to take baby steps as far as sleep training goes. Right now, Nathan wakes up a little under 3 hours at night to feed. I think I will stretch at least the first feeding to at least 4 hours. He was doing this before Christmas, so he should be able to do this now. We'll see how it goes tonight.
I have to say, it is nice that he is able to fall asleep on his own. This week he has started to go down at around 7:30. We go through the sleep routine and once I put him down, he is asleep in less than 10 minutes with little to no fussing.
Tomorrow, when I go to the store, I will pick up a box of rice cereal for him to try. I had him try a bit of avocado mixed with breast milk and he gave me the yuck face. I'll try rice cereal first, then sweet potato and banana. If he doesn't show any interest, I think I will wait a month before trying again.
The baby party finally took place. It was good to see all the babies (and their parents). It was pretty cool seeing how differently each parent interacted with their baby. We did another pass the baby session, and still Nathan is the runt of the litter. Yesterday, I went walking at a local trail with some of the mommies. It was a beautiful cloudy day in the 70's with a slight breeze. I enjoyed the conversations that we had and before I knew it, we had gone 4.5 miles and it was lunch time. I am looking forward to the weekly walk sessions.
This Sunday, he is going to get baptized. The outfit that he will be wearing was Steve's baptismal outfit. I will definitely post pics next week.