Monday, October 26, 2020

Pre-Halloween Preparations

Dear Kiddos, 
This week was kind of a fall break for us. Even though we technically did school, we kind of went with the flow. I finally bought cucumbers and you guys got to try out the soothing effects of cucumber. It didn't last long before you both were bored and restless. But they did make cute photos. 

We spent a lot of time playing outside, hiking, and riding bikes. Hannah, I've noticed that this week you and Hailey have been playing a lot more. You both play house, pretend to be a seal family and there's always princesses involved. In fact, for awhile, Hailey you were on a pants/shorts strike because "Princesses don't wear pants!" You pretty much  wear a dress everyday. (princesses don't wear skirts either, so you don't wear skirts)
One afternoon, we received a surprise visit from one of our pastors and he brought along the church's service dog and goody bags. Since the bags had peanut candies, we decided to redistribute the candy. Hailey did a great job sorting the candy by wrapper type. And as each of you grabbed a selection of candy, it was interesting to see Hannah's face as you tried all the peanut-containing candies that we normally don't have at our house. I was thinking how weird it is for you to be 6 and never had a Snickers or Butterfinger before. 
On Saturday/Sunday we went on our neighborhood scavenger hunt. We've been bike riding around the hood, but having something to look for made the ride less monotonous. There was definitely less complaining about sore legs too. 

As part of the festivities, we also made caramel apples. 

Enjoy them, because in a week we will be starting the Whole 30 program. It's an elimination diet where you don't eat added sugar, grains, gluten, legumes, or dairy for 30 days.  After 30 days, you reintroduce those things that were "forbidden" one at a time, to see how they affect your body (if any). Hailey, your eczema has been pretty bad to the point where you are waking up several times at night. You still toss and turn all night when you sleep, so I'm hoping we can find some answers in the next couple of months. 

It's pretty cool to see you 3 playing in different combinations. Again, it always works best when it is 2 of you at a time; they say, three is a crowd!  

 With COVID still a threat, we decided not to go trick-or-treating this year. We will be joining our pod of friends in a backyard halloween celebration with pinatas, crafts and movie night. I'll be sure to post pictures from that. We are hoping to still be able to fit into last year's costumes since we are still into Pokemon and you all are OK with wearing the costumes again. 

Well, that's really it for the week. It's a short post. Everything is pretty much the same ol'! 

Until next week, 

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