Monday, June 1, 2020

A Sand Bucket and a Plastic Bag Saves the Day

Dear Kiddos, 
Before I go deep into how a sand bucket and plastic ziplock bag saved the day, I will share about our last week of school. The final days were filled with zoom meetings to say good-bye and our daily schedule has been the most relaxed. 

One afternoon we made soft pretzels. It was so easy and delicious that we will probably make this more of a regular thing (I just need to get my hands on some more yeast). 

 It's been pretty rainy lately. One day we got 3.5" of rain! It's been raining on and off, which means cooler weather, so we try to get out whenever we can for a bike ride.
 On Tuesday, Hannah you had your dance recital. It was going really well until your teacher's feed cut off and half of you kids stood there looking so lost. But, you would jump in for a few measures and then phase out again. Overall, it was cool seeing the confidence exude out from you as you danced.
 With the nice weather, we've been trying to also spend as much time outside. We can either hike, skate, bike, walk or draw with chalk. When time is limited, we chalk. It always works out so well because as we fill up our driveway, it rains and clears the slate for us.
 Hailey, you've been going to sleep around 8:30 and waking up at around 7:30. I'm not super sure because Nathan and Hannah usually go in and get you, giving me a few extra minutes to sleep in. I've been staying up super late (I need to change this habit) lately just to get some time for myself, but I know it's better for me if I go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier.

Anywho, we usually put you down for a nap at around 1:45, but sometimes you don't fall asleep until closer to 2:30. You will just happily play and sing at the top of your lungs before you conk out. One afternoon when I went to wake you up at 4, I saw you in this very odd sleeping position.
 How you can sleep like that, with your feet elevated 10 inches above the rest of your body is beyond me.

Your tantrums and screaming still are going strong. Sometimes I can distract you and get you out of the ditch by suggesting that you help me with cooking. That will usually stop you in your tracks and redirect you to calm down.
 Some days you wake up completely happy, but some days you are just a grump. It's now a thing for me to ask you as I pick you up if you are happy or grumpy. You will pause and think and then reply, "I happy!" or "I gumpy" (You even used "I frustrated" once).
On the last day of school I took a photo of you guys at the front door. You all have grown a lot since the fall and I still can't believe that it's already June. 

 We decided to hold a graduation tea party with our neighbors to celebrate pre-school, kinder, 1st and 2nd grade graduations. It was a lot of fun until the sugar kicked in.
 On Friday, we tried going to the pool. The water was cool and we were able to stay away from other people easily. Hailey shrieked with joy as you splashed in the baby area. Nathan and Hannah, you two were completely content playing with each other without any toys.
 On Saturday, we decided to hike a portion of the Violet Crown Trail. We left early, right after breakfast (around 9) and like smart parents, had everyone go potty before we left. After 2 car returns to the house for forgotten items, we were on our way to the trailhead. As we pull into the parking lot, Hannah exclaims, I just wet my shorts! I take you 2 to a spot for you to empty the tanks, nothing, so we walked back to the car.

Luckily we had an extra change of clothes in the car and you were able to change quickly there. Then you exclaimed that you needed to go potty, this time, #2. So, I basically pulled a Macgyver and searched the car for something that would help solve the problem. Daddy was also taking care of Teddy's #2 needs and meanwhile, Hailey was walking up to us calling, "Mommy Mommy!"  was able to grab a gallon ziplock bag from one of the homeless care packages we had in our car and then found a random sand bucket in the trunk.  I made a squatty potty for you and problem averted.

We walked about 10,000 steps on that hike round trip. I was so proud of you all for being such great troopers for not complaining (too much) and enduring wet clothes on the hike back.
 When we got to a good spot (under 360) we stopped to stick our feet in the water.
 Even Teddy enjoyed a short romp in the creek.
 Hailey, you loved how you had all those rocks to throw.
 And then when I gave you a walking stick so that you could be more independent in the water, you were so ecstatic!
 We even found a shell fossil!
 I had brought towels and a change of clothing for Hailey, but I should've known that everyone would've eventually slipped and fall into the creek.
 You 2 were soaked! Hailey, surprisingly was the driest of all.
The remaining trip home was relatively potty drama free. We stopped by Chick-fil-a for drive through lunch and went home to relax for the rest of the day. 

Hailey, you love reading with Nathan and today, you actually sat down and read with Hannah. I always love catching you bonding with Nathan and Hannah. They usually play together and leave you out. Now, you are finally getting cool enough for their standards. 
 It was another "grumpy" afternoon so I had you help me make some shao bing which is a type of chinese pastry. You helped me spread the roux on the dough...
 And helped me brush the egg wash on at the end. They turned out really yummy.
 And then I just had to document you three singing church songs after children's church. We go through the same 40 minute song list on youtube every Sunday after church. You guys can't get enough of dancing!
Sometimes I still grumble about having to devote most of my day to spending time with you guys. I need my personal time, but I'm starting to not need it as much. What has helped me the most was to set an intention to my day each morning. I chose to stay at home so I can watch you all grow and develop. I remind myself of the grief that I felt about not being able to spend time with the big kids once school started and so I become thankful for the time we have together.

Well, we have a super exciting week of homeschooling. I've set some simple goals for each of you and I've decided that I will be creating some fun project based and themed units for us to reinforce our learning and to pass the time. We just started Pokemon week today and so far, it's been a lot of fun. If anyone reading this is interesting in me sharing what we are doing for some ideas, let me know and I'll include files in my post next week.

Well, that's it for now! Until next week,

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