Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Week 2 Fun stuff.

Dear Hailey, 
I love your excited screeches that you are producing these days. I have a few videos capturing all the awesomeness. I also love your facial expressions. You really know how to exaggerate a your eyes and mouth to give the cutest little micro expressions. I love it! 
This is how we roll to the pool. I load up the wagon with Hailey stuffed somewhere among the stuff and we walk the .1 mile it takes to get to the pool. We've been going in the morning and staying for about 2 hours before going home for lunch.
Dear Nathan,
We let you have your birthday present way early so that you can have extra time to play with it. You had a mini clinic in the neighborhood this Tuesday, and you are now have a few tricks under your belt.
 One afternoon, while Hannah was playing next door, Hailey walked over and handed me an Elsa dress while saying, "For you. " I replied,
     "It's just too small for me. I'm too big." and then I handed it back to her. She then runs over to you with the dress and asks,
     "Nay-Nay, you be Elsa?"

So, you being the amazing brother that you are, agreed to put on the dress and you two started to dance.
 I cranked up the music and just watched as the two of you twirled so happily.

Dear Hannah,
You and our next door neighbor are basically joined at the hip. You two love playing with each other and you sometimes fight like sisters. The good thing is that you both make up pretty quickly, so it ends up being just fine. You've been very helpful around the house and you are now wanting me to read Harry Potter to you. I have to pause every so often to ask you questions to make sure you still understand, so I kind of feel like you are not quite ready for it. You insist on continuing, so I'm just going to follow your lead.

The 2 big kids, you both earned your solid orange belt this week. The Sensei worked you hard.

 Hailey, sticking your tongue out is such a thing these days. You do it randomly, and then you will do it to ask if you can lick something. Usually the answer is no (especially when it is raw fish).

 When we go to the school in the mornings, we usually will see a friend or two to play with. We've been skating a lot before it gets too hot.

Well, that's about it for now.
Until Next week,

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