Thirteen years ago, I started an annual tradition where after the new year, I answer the following 3 questions:
1. Who am I?
2. Who do I allow to influence who I am?
3. How do I live out who I am?
My friend Elizabeth, who also is an INFJ posted something the other day that has ignited the fire to set me on a journey of self-discovery. I didn't know this until recently, but INFJ's are the rarest Myers Brigg personality group, depending on the source, we make up 1.5% - 3.5% of the population. It suddenly made sense to me while all my life, I've always felt like I just didn't quite fit in.
So all my life, I've been trying to find my people, people who get me, who are into the same things as me, in the meantime, altering myself so I can fit in with whichever clique I happen to be associated with. I never really discovered who am I.
In the past 13 journal entries, much of my writing has slight nuances on who I have discovered myself not to be and who I want to be like, but I have never written anything down that specifically states who I am. So, I'm going to do it now, and share to the world, who I am. I know those of you who have read so far care deeply about me, and would like to know. I would like you to know too.
(I had some help coming up with this list. I drew a lot of these from Bo Miller who is also an INFJ)
Who Am I?
1. I am an introvert. Many people are surprised to find this out. I guess I have good enough people skills to come across as an extrovert.
2. I love to write. It allows me to process my thoughts.
3. I can engage with large groups but only for a limited time. When I used to teach, I was exhausted and by the end of the day and just wanted to walk around Hobby Lobby by myself.
4. I enjoy people in 1-on-1 settings or in small groups. Large gatherings are overwhelming.
5. Generally, I like following a routine, but every once in awhile, I like to change it up a bit.
6. I hate chores, cleaning and routine tasks. Doesn't everybody?
7. I am always asking myself, what is God's purpose for me?
8. I enjoy reading personal growth books and taking personality quizzes.
9. I love "Aha!" moments.
10. It's tough for me to have my undivided attention at any moment. My mind drifts off into the future or into thoughts and feelings.
11. I am creative. As an outlet, I craft, write, paint, and cook/bake.
12. I crave depth in relationships.
13. I have an appetite for learning new things. I am a jack of all trades, but master of none.
14. I love problem solving. In physics class, my teacher told me that in his 20 some years of teaching, I had completed the most extra credit assignments. Solving kinematics problems was super fun!
15. I have a hard time doing work that I'm not passionate about.
16. I can see other people's points of view pretty easily.
17. People who can't see other ways or those who are stubborn frustrate me.
18. I love figuring out what makes some people tick.
19. I like to make personalized things for people I know well.
20. I am reluctant to share what I really think and feel because I'm sensitive to criticism.
21. Everything I do, I want to do well. I set high standards for myself and others.
22. I like to communicate in analogies and metaphors.
23. I get so caught up in my thoughts sometimes that I run into things like door frames and columns.
24. I show love to others via quality time and service. I like to receive quality time and words of affirmation.
25. I enjoy having fun and acting silly with people who know me well. Oh, and my students too.
26. I love to read. I wish I had more time to do so.
27. Sharing insights and helping other people better reach their potential is exciting to me.
28. I don't say much, but I have so many thoughts and ideas swarming around in my head.
29. Hobby Lobby is my happy place.
30. When I fall short of my standards, I am extremely disappointed in myself.
31. I am a dreamer and a vision caster. But I am a doer. I actively will try to put my ideas into action to make progress.
32. Working for hours is not work if it's a meaningful project for me.
33. Physical health is important to me. I try to exercise regularly and eat healthy.
34. Money does not motivate me, but meaning and purpose do.
35. I am deeply concerned about the welfare and fair treatment of others.
36. I'm not a big fan of talking on the phone. I hated my job as a telecom surveyor.
37. I want to help. If I can do something about it, I will.
38, I don't like to dwell in the past, but instead, I look towards the future and look for ways to make it better.
39. I love planning and hosting parties, but the actual event drains my energy.
40. I admire and respect people who come "with baggage" meaning that they've had to overcome obstacles in their life. I love to hear their stories.
41. I am a big picture thinker. Details bog me down if I don't see how they all fit together.
42. I can eyeball a piece of paper and cut it in half exactly.
43. Reliability and faithfulness are important to me. I don't like to let others down.
44. Loose ends irritate me. I just want to complete a job and check it off.
45. I like constructive criticism when I ask for it. But I am hyper-sensitive to judgement. I need to not worry about what others think.
Who do I allow to influence who I am?
I tend to change my personality to fit the people whom I am with. But I really need to stick with being me and only allowing God to influence who I am. Which leads perfectly into the next question:
How do I live out who I am?
Instead of trying to fit in, I need to look inwards for guidelines on who I am. Be authentic, speak my mind, and don't fear judgement and criticism from others. Love and serve others. Walk around Hobby Lobby.
Well, that's it. If you've read until the very end, thank you for taking the time to do so. Comment below to share that you care.
I care! This was a very interesting list. Some things I thought, "Yep, that's Jess." Others were more surprising. But apparently, all of this list is you, Jess, and I love you!