Dad is doing today's update as he spent more time doing things over break than Mom as she was down with a cold for a bit.
Do you think your new toys will keep your attention for more than a few weeks? Only time will tell. Nathan seems to get a lot of reuse out of his lego sets as he enjoys building them just as much as playing with the final product. Hannah, on the other hand, seems to give attention equally to her new toys and old toys. Hailey hasn't quite figured out what a toy is, but it won't be long before she is chewing on them. Technically Hailey's 3 month birthday has passed, but we'll save that for next update.
In any case, this update will be quite a few pictures and I won't be able to go into detail on them all. We started off break with Hailey's first airplane ride. She did excellent, as we have quite a bit of experience in this field with the two older siblings. We didn't have a nonstop flight this time, and the first one was 45 minutes late, so we were a little worried we wouldn't make the connection. However, they seemed to delay the second flight by 15 minutes or so everyone could make it.
We visited Grandma's chocolate store to make yummy desserts and the Wonderland Express.
There was no shortage of help to hold Hailey when we went swimming at Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's pool. We went swimming twice, and the second time Nathan scraped his nose on the bottom of the pool, ouch.
Hannah was able to skate on ice without help for the first time as we practiced at two different ice rinks. We couldn't find a pair of skates that were comfortable for Nathan for some reason, so he didn't skate much this time.

It was COLD in Chicago this year. I think it got down to around -10 degrees F, and never went above 20, so it was not very good weather for making snowmen. However, we were able to go sledding as there was enough snow on the ground. You also were able to consume your fair share of hot chocolate to warm up after enjoying the outside.
We also got to spend a lot of time with your cousins.
And we even went to some museums in Rockford that we had never been to. In the basement of the natural history museum, which seemed like it got little traffic, we got to talk to a real paleontologist and touch a real dinosaur bone.
We decided to have Hailey baptized at the church where Dad grew up instead of our home church.
Then we went to the Museum of Science and Industry and the restaurant where you get your food from a train.
Now that we're home, there is a lot of unpacking to do, and the Christmas decorations are slowly coming down. Until next week, Dad.
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