Dear Nathan and Hannah,
You two waited 4 days to find out whether or not you were going to have a baby brother or sister. And just in case you need a reminder, here's a video to share the news!
We met up with a few of Nathan's oldest pals and as you can tell from the video, you guys weren't quite sure what this stuff coming out was. A bit shocked. But once we handed you guys the cans, you all went crazy chasing each other and parents too.
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Photo Credit: Juan Ojeda |
Afterwards, we sat down for a feast of pizza, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and fruit. A few minutes after we finished eating, a cold front blew through and pushed the humid and stuffy air out. The cool, fresh breeze was much nicer to play in.
Otherwise, things have been pretty normal around the house. Usually at bed time, Hannah insists that I do everything with you. Bath, story, and song. We've been trying to get you used to the idea that it's ok for Daddy to do those things even when I'm around.

One of our favorite places in town is the library. There we can get all sorts of cool books, listen to story time and check out videos ( the things you two really look forward to the most). Well, this week the library celebrated its 20th birthday and had a birthday party.
Sometimes Hannah, you like little things. Little cookies, little toys, etc. But sometimes when you find that being small hinders you, you feel the need to grow up fast. Or sometimes you feel like you are big enough to do something, you will say, "See, I big!"
You are doing lots of big girl things like being able to scoot up on the potty yourself, steer and ride the scooter by yourself, and clean up after yourself. The thing I find most amazing is that every day when you come in the house, the first thing you do (without reminder) is to walk over to the bench where we keep your shoes, and you take them off. I've been very impressed by that.
On Friday, we ended up having a play date with one of your friends from school. She lives in our neighborhood, so it was nice to be able to just walk there. When your friend pulled out all the dresses she had, Hannah, you were ecstatic! I've never seen you so excited in your life!
You two danced and twirled, and ran around the house like little princesses. It was too cute!
And then you all switched gears and changed into super hero costumes, something that Nathan could get behind as well.
On Sunday, you guys helped out with a fundraiser at church. Every year, we have a fundraiser to raise money for the South Austin Pregnancy Resource Center. We pass out empty baby bottles, people fill it with coins, cash and checks and then return it to church. We turn them in and they get to keep whatever is in the bottles. Well, this year, with both of you working the crowds, we passed out over 150 baby bottles! Who could refuse a kid?
And then today we started up soccer class again, this time, Hannah gets to join in on the fun. We have a new coach this time around, but I can tell that Hannah will love this. You just got so excited during all the drills and games. I could definitely tell that both of you were having a great time.
Nathan was being such a great big brother too. You even saved a spot next to you for Hannah to sit each time it was pow wow time.
Today, we worked on little dribble kicks, not touching the ball with our hands, and briefly, trapping the ball. Who knew you could multi-task like this? Even though this was a class for 3-5 year olds, at 2.75 years old, Hannah, you were able to hang with the big kids and was able to do all the things that the older kids could do. Now, you got distracted more easily (as in you would wander off running for no apparent reason) but when you were on task, you did great!
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Listening to coach Bobby |
Nathan still thinks that Hannah is pretty "terrible" at the age of 2. If anyone asks you about Hannah, you tell them that you think she's pretty terrible because she is 2. Slowly, she is starting to learn how to use her words, share and becoming less terrible.
Well, that's about it for this week!
Until next week!
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