So many second siblings get the short end of the pinata stick when it comes to first birthday parties, so I pretty much made a promise to you (even before you were born) after Nathan's party, that yours would be on par with his.
Your favorite books right now are ones where you can interact with the page: Pat the bunny, touch and feel animals, bedtime peek-a-boo, and the hungry caterpillar. There's something about holes on a page that really attracts little people.
It wasn't too difficult to decide which book to pick. Hannah LOVES food. Hungry caterpillar theme it is.
For Nathan's first birthday party, we didn't really have anything in the form of entertainment. All the guests were 1 year olds and were perfectly happy playing with beans in a bottle. But for Hannah's party, we were going to have the toughest crowd to please, after teenagers, toddlers. So I thought back to my favorite birthday party activities and came up with...PINATA!
My friend asked me if I was going to do a regular or a pull string pinata. I didn't even know there was a difference, so being the hard-core mom that I am, I decided to do both! The little ones would have a pull string and then the big kids could whack the other part. Perfect!
So after googling, I found a simple and cheap method to make the pinata. For the paste, I used a mixture of water and flour. You basically want to make a paste that is like the consistency of glue. I cut up strips of old newspaper and started to cover a balloon. I did about 2-3 layers and called it quits. I let it dry outside overnight and when I went back to get it the next evening, there was a huge crack down the middle. Apparently, the balloon had expanded during the day, cracking the pinata. I simply used some masking tape and repaired the rip. No biggie.
Afterwards, I taped 2 more balloons to the already paper mache'd balloon (which was going to be the head and pull string portion). I wanted the head to have its own separate compartment to put baby treats.
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You know you are hard core when even your pinatas are made with whole wheat paste! |
After it dried (2 days), Nathan and I painted it with some acrylic paint that I had on hand and stuck a pair of antennae on the head portion.
On the day of the party, we hung it up. Nathan thought it was pretty funny that a giant caterpillar was flying in the air. Hannah didn't know what to think.
So, I didn't do enough research to find out that only 1 of the strings released the trap door. I basically connected 10 ribbons to the trap door and in the end, it worked out pretty well because it turns out, babies aren't really strong and don't know to pull down.
After the big brothers and sisters made a mad dash for the baby mum mums and raisin boxes, we convinced most of them to put the treasures in a baggie for their little sibling.
And then it was the "big kids'" turn. The kids ranged from 2-5. I'm glad we didn't put blindfolds on the kids because most of them were missing with their eyes open, but it was cute to watch them.
And then this cute sweet girl comes and knocks the caterpillar off of the string. Honey was right, I should've reinforced the site of attachment a bit more. Note to self. Reinforce the hanging apparatus.
With a make-shift noose, we hung the caterpillar back up and the fun continued.
And then the kids all received a bag and went crazy for stuff. Of course, Nathan pretty much took all of the raisin boxes and only raisin boxes. Surprisingly, no one took the fruit leathers. They were target brand, so there wasn't any cute characters, showing what they were. Haha, suckas! More for me!
Since we had a bunch of babies and toddlers at the party, I cut up fruits in different sizes and shapes.
Monday: apple slices and caramel sauce. Tuesday: Pear and brie tartlets. Wednesday: sliced plums. Thursday: strawberries. Friday: cuties oranges and Saturday: bbq smokies sausages. |
Of course I would serve veggie lollipops. They were actually quite the hit (with the adults at least). I heard one kid exclaim, "Hey, these aren't real lollipops!"
And what would a birthday party be without ice cream cone quiches! My grocery store has these adorable mini ice cream cones. I just made up my usual quiche batter and poured them into the ice cream cones and baked them in little muffin tins. A few leaked, but the muffin tin caught everything and they were still pretty easy to remove and looked good enough to serve. I tried putting foil on some of them and they turned out to be a mess. I don't recommend foil.
I used a sandwich slicer that I had and cut bread into butterfly shapes, put out some salami (and turkey), an assortment of cheeses, condiments and a nice big bowl of leaves. Everything pretty much required refilling except for the leaves. Those, only a few people partook of.
Is that ALL for me? |
Why is the cake so far away? |
I loved how the cupcakes turned out. Since Hannah loves peaches, and I had some peaches in the freezer, I decided to make a whole-wheat peach cupcake with peaches and cream cheese frosting. I found mini-trix at the grocery store, which worked out perfectly to make the border. They looked super cute, but got soggy when it was time to eat them.
The smash cake.
For the decorations on top, I used marzipan, colored with food coloring. To make the leaf, I made a marzipan cutter with some aluminum foil and punched out some leaves and added the veins with the back of a knife.
For the caterpillar body, I twisted 2 ropes of light and dark green together and cut them into short 1 inch pieces.
Attached a little red head...
Stuck some sprinkles on and voila!
For the butterfly, I just made a long tube of different colors and smashed the cylinder to make a triangular cross section. I sliced the cross sections to make the individual wings and attached them to a little body.
I also wanted to show off the monthly portraits that I took of Hannah. It was cool seeing them all together.
This was a good afternoon craft project for Nathan.
At Nathan's party, I set up a little photo booth where people could take photo booth style photos with my kindle. It was a big hit. For some reason, people didn't take pictures at this party, but I had the last guests take one before they left.
And of course, we had to take a family picture as well!
Well, that was about it. I'd say everything was pretty low key. The cupcakes took a bit more effort, but everything else was super easy and could be prepared ahead of time. With 2 kiddos, 1 teething, I think everything turned out really good. The guests all enjoyed themselves and so did we.
It was a really impressive party. Everything tasted and looked great. All the people were nice. Well done, friend!