Wednesday, August 19, 2015

It's Hannah's Birthday!

Dear Nathan, 
Today, you have been such a proud big brother, telling everyone that it's Hannah's birthday! Everyday you make me so proud to be your mommy. In fact, the other day, after seeing me wearing a dress, you sweetly told me, "Mommy, you look like a princess." Boy, if my ego could be measured then, it would be as high as the Burj Khalifa. I thanked you and our morning continued. During breakfast, you came over to me with your lower lip all pouty looking and said to me, "I want to be a princess too!" How could I ever resist that face? So we put you in one of Hannah's dresses, in fact one that Grandma made and you could not have been happier. Daddy calmly explained to you that usually only girls wear dresses and while he did not want me to make a facebook post about this, he gave me permission to write about it here. 
This week has been a pretty normal week. We've had a few play dates, but other than that, nothing too special. You have, however, started asking "why" questions. While I thought it would be really annoying, you seem to be content after I answer your question and unlike other toddlers that I know, you don't keep asking a string of "why" questions. Perhaps that is still to come, but right now, I appreciate the inquisitiveness. 

I can tell that each day you are falling more in love with Hannah. You will comment on how you like certain things that she does: for example; babbling, blowing bubbles, and giggling. You are even really excited to help prepare for Hannah's birthday party. 

You worked really hard on painting the pinata. 

 And stringing the caterpillar banner was all you.
You've also suddenly started an interest in playing with guns. You'll make imaginary guns with different things and start shooting at random people. I'm not sure where you picked this up, but boy, you are definitely a boy. In about a month, you will be 3. Wow. 
Dear Hannah, 
I can't believe it, but 365 days ago, we brought you into this world and today, you are a happy little girl, doing all sorts of crazy things. You continue to amaze me each day as you transform from one little lump of helplessness into a young girl who is dexterous and inquisitive. Here's how you have changed month to month. 

One odd thing that you've picked up is placing rope-like items around your neck like a necklace. It's almost automatic. If we place a rope or a string close to you, you'll quickly crawl to it, grab it and pull it over your head. Here are a few times that I've caught you...
Vacuum Cleaner Cord

Lanyard String for Name tag

This past weekend, your friend Lucas, the same kid who pushed you into the pool the other day, 

It happened so fast, not sure if  he pushed you in, or if you jumped in yourself, but we thought it was pretty funny and you were probably more startled than anything. 

Anyways, after that incident, you still like Lucas and are willing to share your toys with him. 

 Other new things you have been doing are throwing balls around...hard.

 Flipping pages in books.
Swimming in the water for a little bit and you absolutely love being thrown in the air. 
 Your wave delay seems to have gotten shorter and you are even figuring out how to climb down stairs. Oh, and you learned to sign "more" from Auntie Linda. I was telling Daddy yesterday how you can now sign "more" and you instantly showed him the sign. However, when you really are focused on some sort of food (like the ice cream we gave you today), you forget about signing and you just open your mouth wide to let us know you want more. Hey, I guess whatever works, right?

We are going to have a little birthday party for you this weekend. We are all really excited and I think you'll have a lot of fun.

Buh Bye for now!

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