Dear Nathan,
It is so amazing how quickly you pick up on the things that we do. For the past few days, you've been getting over a cold, so at night a humidifier is in your room to help you breathe better. The other night, I noticed that it was off, so I used my foot to turn it on while I was singing a lullaby. The next morning, you were trying to turn the knob with your foot!
You are getting to be a really good mimicker with silly actions and hand motions to songs. You just want to be able to do everything that we do.
One night, before bedtime, Daddy and I decided to play a few games of ping pong. You watched us and even helped me a few times. Nowadays you are pretty much obsessed with playing ping pong. You understand the gist of it, but still lack the coordination to hit the ball. With luck, sometimes the ball bounces and hits your paddle as you are waving it back and forth.
You know all those times I rush over to stop you from taking stuff out of the dishwasher? Well, I didn't know that you just wanted to help put the dishes away. You've been helping me out by handing me dishes from the dishwasher, but for the first time this week, you actually started putting the silverware in its proper drawer. I got the camera just in time for the last utensil.
This is what the drawer looked like afterwards, but hey, you'll get sorting down soon.
Here is a picture of our art time. You are good at taking one marker out, using it,
putting the lid back on, and placing it back into the container before getting a new one.
This weekend, Daddy decided to change out a few burnt light bulbs around the house. He got the ladder out and sure enough, you followed him up. After he was all finished, we let you climb up the ladder, just to see how far you could go.
Once you got up, you were a bit scared to come back down. Hey, I totally understand. I have no problems climbing up things, it's getting down that's the hard part for me too.
Other things you are doing include hanging off of horizontal bars like parallel bars at the playground, kitchen drawers, and your crib. You just hold on and lift your legs. It's really cute. I'll have to snap a picture next time I see you do it. Your repertoire of sounds seems to have increased as well. No longer are you making 1-2 syllable babbles, you seem to be babbling sentences. Of course I don't quite understand what you are saying, but you seem to talk a lot when you are playing by yourself. You also will out of nowhere, start giggling. This happens mostly when you are in the car, or when we are walking outside.
Even though you've had a cold, I felt that your appetite has gotten voracious. As a pregnant lady with a toddler, I've recently rediscovered the awesomeness of all you can eat buffets. I seem to be more hungry this time around and nowadays, an entree from a restaurant doesn't quite satisfy me, so for once in my life, I can actually get my money's worth from eating at a buffet. Plus, kids eat free! And since your tastes are ever-changing, variety is always good. This past week we went to an Indian buffet and a pizza hut. You pretty much ate as much food as you normally do in a day in one sitting. I was shocked.
Since you've been eating so much lately, we decided to weigh you in on the wii. We've been keeping track of your weight ever since you were born and it's actually pretty neat to see the line graph of your growth on the TV. Anyways, afterwards, Daddy suggested that you try playing a simple Wii game, the flying chicken game. You got on the board and started flapping one wing and had so much fun! You actually did pretty good. You were able to make the connection between you flapping your arms to making the chicken fly.
On the pregnancy front, things are going good. I'm finally starting to gain some weight, after losing weight for the past few weeks, it's good to see the scales go in the other direction. I am now about 2 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. It could be that I'm eating more, or since I've had the energy to work out more, I'm gaining back my muscle? Who knows.
Next week we finally start construction on the new play area for you and your upcoming sibling. It may be a kind of hectic 2-3 weeks, but in the end, we'll have new play space / reading nook.
You are adjusting to the time change pretty well. I think we did good by pushing your bedtime earlier slowly starting a week before daylight savings, pushing your bedtime forward by 5 minutes. On the actual day, you were about 30 minutes bedtime was 8:30. Now we are working on moving it back to 8:00. Tonight we put you down at 8:20 and you were asleep within 10 minutes. Hopefully in a few days, it'll be back to 8:00.
One thing I've noticed in the past month or so is that when you wake up, you don't cry for us. You just lay quietly in your crib until we come and get you. I've only realized this because I've been getting up earlier and when I check the monitor, you're already awake. In the past, you have been my alarm clock, waking me up each morning with a good "come get me" cry.
Yesterday, I met up with an old friend in San Marcos and we both met her son, who is 2 years older than you are. It was a very good visit, but the reason I'm writing about it is I want to document how you may have gotten over your "sand is icky" phase. We spent about 1.5 hours at a playground, most of the time spent in a sandbox. At first, when you got sand on your hands, you would just look at it and hold your hand up helplessly, whining quietly, wanting me to clean it up. After countless reminders of "just brush it off" you started becoming more occupied with playing than getting dirty. Well, today, we went to the park by our house. You fell in the mulch and usually you stand up, look at your hands and kind of whine as you clap your hands together, but today, you just stood up, and without thinking about it brushed the mulch off and just continued to do what you wanted to do.
Seems like you've had a pretty significant mental growth spurt, and perhaps soon, a physical one too. Your 18 month check up is coming up soon. Wow. I can't believe you'll be a year and a half in less than 2 weeks.
Until next week with love,
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