Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Week 75.15

Dear Nathan,
Just wanted to make sure you know what the 75.15 means. The whole number tells how many weeks you have been outside the womb. The decimal tells us how many weeks your little sibling has existed in the womb.

Unfortunately, you have come down with another cold, although it seems like these colds don't even bother you much. You still play and act silly. I don't know what else I can be doing to prevent you from being sick all the time. If you can think of anything, please, let me know.

Things you are obsessed with this week include: hanging off of bars, hand washing (or playing with water at the sink), clementine oranges, drawing, and gloves. One day I watched you open a drawer, grab the top of the drawer and lift your feet off of the ground. Really quickly, you got a "no, no. Danger, danger" from me. A few seconds later, you found the oven door handle and decided to hang off of that. We'll have to get you on some monkey bars soon. Daddy's got you trained pretty well to turn on the water to wash your hands. You never really liked any sort of citrus fruit, but this week, you spit out the first bite, realized it was pretty good and then signed for more. Almost every day, we spend a little time drawing at your table. You like to scribble over my drawings as I point them out and you also like to draw lines back and forth. But today, you were able to draw a circular shape and loopy loops. You seemed pretty proud of yourself after you did it. And then, there are gloves. It's gotten cold again these past few days and so when we go out on our afternoon walks, I bundle you up really good. You are always good to remind me to put your mittens on. Oh, and your head is finally big enough to wear the Yoda hat that grandma knit for you.

Just a side note, you have finally outgrown your size one cloth diaper covers that you've been using since birth. We ordered you a few new number 2's this week and you seem to be more comfortable in them.

On the food front, you are still not swallowing any green veggies. In fact, the other day, I fed you a bite of chicken pot pie (With chicken, celery, and carrot). You managed to chew the bite and just spit out the celery. Amazing skill! What a palate!

I was able to hide an assortment of veggies (including green zucchini, peas, mushrooms, bell peppers) into a shepherd's pie that I made the other night. You didn't like the mashed potato portion, but ate the meat/veggie mixture at the bottom. Score!

And you still like meat off of the bone.
Last night, I had some chunks of chicken on your plate. You saw that we had chicken on the bone and was pretty insistent on eating that instead. I gave you a leg and your face just lit up. Too cute!

I also discovered that you like liver. You really liked the few pieces of chicken liver that I gave you last night. I thought that it tasted a bit bitter, but you didn't mind it at all. Wow. Daddy didn't even try it.

We found a certain brand of soy sauce irritates the skin on your face. Too bad I just bought a 5 gallon container of that stuff. But on the plus side, you no longer have a food sensitivity to strawberries.

This past weekend, I found a few great deals at goodwill. One of them is this Thomas the train toy that you can ride on. When the weather was warm enough, we were able to ride down the driveway a few times before I got tired of pushing you back up. You are pretty good at using your feet to push yourself backwards, but have not quite figured out how to go forward. I will take a picture of you next week when you hone your skills a bit more.

There is a church camping trip coming up next month. We are thinking about taking you tent camping. The only thing I'm concerned about is the sleeping situation. You tend to fall asleep better when we follow the routine to a T. Out in nature, it will be difficult to do, but I've read that toddlers who go on camping trips are so worn out by the end of the day that they fall asleep and stay asleep pretty well.

Daylight savings time is coming up this weekend. Wow, that crept up fast. Our plan is to put you to bed 5 minutes earlier every night or 2 until we push your bedtime up by an hour. By this weekend, we should've hit the half way point. You have been waking up an hour earlier these past few days anyways, so that makes it a bit easier to shift everything up.

I guess that's it for now.


On the pregnancy front, things are getting better. I'm feeling more energy, starting to show more, and am still having very vivid dreams. I have been craving sweet things less, and when I do have sweets, I tend to feel a bit nauseous afterwards. I'm starting to realize that in a few short months, we will have 2 little ones depending on us, needing my attention all the time. I'm afraid that I won't be able to handle it. I'm starting to pray for guidance, and comfort now in preparation for the challenges that will come.

We are due for a date night. But we just haven't figured out what to do. We haven't gone out on a date in a long time. We will probably take one soon (after SXSW music festival in town is over).

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