Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Voracious appetite of Week 77.17

Dear Nathan,
You seem to want to grow up just too fast! You are getting so good at imitating us and sometimes you are even a bit too insistent on trying to do things just like us. But luckily, you have moments like these that still let me know that you are a little toddler.

No major milestones reached this week, but you seem to be expanding your range of sounds. When we are at the grocery store, you will show me something, wanting me to tell you what it is. You are still using your signs pretty well as you have learned a few more this week. Sometimes you get confused and just randomly sign “thank you” when you really want something. There’s also been times when you start to whine when you really want something and we have to remind you to use your words. It’s really cool because it seems like you are understanding our reminder and after the talk, you use signing to communicate what you want.

Good news! You ate one more green vegetable this week: peas. So now, you will accept liquid spinach, okra, and peas. We are making progress! Now that you are finally over a long string of colds, your appetite has really been voracious. You’ve been an endless pit, just wanting to eat everything (except most vegetables). You even attempted to eat your Clementine oranges with chopsticks and somewhat succeeded.

Last night, you ate so much and were so happy that you just collapsed on the floor with a look of sheer happiness on your face. It was too cute to not take a picture. Here you are showing us your big belly.

Oh, and before I sign off this week, here’s a picture for the grandparents in Illinois.
Does this remind you of anyone?

I had my 4 month check up this week and things are looking good. The baby’s heartbeat is strong and this past week, I felt the first few flutters. I think you are starting to understand why my belly is expanding. One day I talked about a little baby and you pointed to my stomach and looked at me with a smile.

In a month, we get to find out if you will be getting a baby sister or brother. I have a feeling that it’s a girl. We’ll see if my gut feeling is correct.

Oh, side note, we’ve been getting some work done on the house for the past 3 days and you’ve still continued to nap like a champ for about 1.5 hours each day. The workers are banging, drilling, sawing loudly, and you still sleep. Amazing.

Love you so much,


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