Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Look Who's Climbing Down the Stairs! Mr. Picky Eater!

Dear Nathan,
You have caused me lots of frustration these past few days. You used to be such a good eater, now you are very particular about what you eat. You used to love meat. You even ate brisket! Now, you won't touch it unless it's pureed. You used to LOVE mac and cheese, but the last 2 times that I made it, you would try it and spit it back out. I don't understand what is going on. Are you less hungry? Do you not like my cooking anymore?

Of course, I've googled this issue and read about how kids your age really start to need less food, since you are growing less, but it seems like the days you eat less, you end up waking up in the middle of the night hungry. Well, at least I think you are hungry. It could also be night terrors or teething too. Who knows. I just want to make sure you are getting all the nutrients that your body needs so that you can grow up to be a smart and strong boy.
This is what I want to see from my little boy.

As far as your walking goes, you are doing better. You seem to be more stable and can even start to turn corners and sometimes you can do a complete about face without falling.

One day we were playing with cars and I decided that I would show you how ramps worked with your cars. I set up a little ramp with a box and slid your cars down. In no time, you wanted to try it yourself and a few minutes later, your cars were completely forgotten, and you became a little climber.

Just recently, I am getting a feeling that you now realize that you have 2 parents who love you and are here for you always. For a long time, it seemed like I was your main provider of nourishment and comfort, but now, you are seeing daddy fill that role too.
In the morning, you are always really excited to go wake up dad when I put you in our bed. When dad comes home, you rush to give him a hug. You love to give him kisses. It's so neat to see this special bond that is developing between you guys. 

Since daddy gives you a bath most nights, he's told me about a few cool things that you do during bath time. 1. As daddy is filling the tub, you start putting the toys that you want to play with into the tub. Then you climb in. 2. Towards the end of the bath, if daddy forgets to brush your teeth, you always make sure to point to your toothbrush to remind him. 

As far as new tricks go, you have recently learned how to climb down the stairs. You are pretty good at it, but sometimes you get confused and start to go up, instead of go down. I can tell that you really want to walk down the stairs like daddy and I do, but right now, its best if you slide down on your tummy. 

Today, you showed me the sign for "eat." I had just changed your diaper and said to you in Chinese, "let's go get something to eat" and you signed "eat" by bringing your fingers to your mouth. Pretty cool! 

For the most part, things are going really great. You are turning out to be such a happy and friendly baby. (You even wave hi to people when we are out) I am just trying to figure out why you have suddenly become such a picky eater. Until next week. 

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