This has been a very exciting week. First of all, grandma and grandpa came to visit. We went to an insect rodeo where you tasted honey, saw some cockroaches and walking sticks, and painted with maggots.
The next day, we went to Austin's nature center. I had no idea that this place existed. It has a dinosaur pit, and an area with rescue animals for you to look at. There's even indoor exhibits on fossils and energy conservation! We will be going more often, for sure.
On Monday, you went to the Austin Zoo with your grandparents. I was a bit sad that I didn't get to go with you. But, we will get to go together sometime. We are probably going to go to the Dallas Zoo or Aquarium when we visit your other grandmother.
Good news, you are back to your old self as far as eating goes. Pretty much the meal after I made this post, you started eating your dinner again. Perhaps you had a little bug in your system that made you not want to eat. Who knows. You're eating again and that is good.
Another exciting thing happened this week. You learned how to stand up without pulling up on something.
When you successfully stand up, sometimes you get so excited that you fall back over. It's kind of funny, now that you know how to stand up, you now like to tackle people, other babies included and give them a big hug or kiss. It's really cute, actually. Here's a picture of you tackling daddy.
Yesterday, I decided to pull out the shaving cream and have you draw with it. You liked it for a few minutes and then lost interest.
This is a handsome picture of you. I just had to post it.
It's starting to get cold here in Austin. You got to wear the hat that Aunt Momo got you. You knew how cool you look in it and didn't take it off.
So last week, you started doing this weird thing where you throw your hands up by your ears and say "ahhh." We eventually figured out that it was your sign for water, but I had no idea where you picked it up. Well, I asked the ladies at the gym and one of them told me that they would say "water" or "agua," take a drink and go "ahh." And I guess you picked that up.
You also learned the sign for eat. One morning, I casually said, let's go eat breakfast. You then picked up your hands and brought it to your lips repeatedly. You do that with "hungry," "eat" in both chinese and english, and "food." So cool.
One thing you've started doing is waking up in the middle of the night. I've found that it's just easier to nurse you. Your cry sounds like you are hungry. One evening, before bed, I supplemented nursing with about 2 oz of cow's milk. That night, you slept through the night. I think I'll try it again and see what happens. As for now, later gater!
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