Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Week 32

Things have been pretty steady at the Havlir house. Nathan is happier and less cranky now that he is getting more sleep at night. I am happier and less cranky now that I'm getting more sleep at night too. No major milestones this week, but it seems like he is flailing his arms a lot more. Sometimes he gets so excited with his arms that he topples backwards. It's kind of cute, really. Oh, and I may have heard a few "d" sounds coming out of his mouth. It's faint, but I think that they are here.

Since the weather has been soooo nice, I've taken lots of opportunities to go outside to do stuff. We did yard work this weekend and Nathan was very interested in the lawn mower. At first I was very cautious since he was once scared by the food processor and the vacuum, but he looked cautious at first and then relaxed as he followed me as I traversed our lawn, back and forth, back and forth. We went on our weekly walk and today, we went on a hike through the greenbelt. Nathan even went to his first flea market in Wimberly. He was a good baby and EVERYONE kept commenting on his cute floppy hat.

We also have introduced bubbles. The first day, he just watched them as they floated away or popped against his skin, but on the second day, he actually tried to grab and pop the bubbles.

So on the solid foods front, he's doing pretty well. It seems like he likes some foods some days and not on the other. Luckily he will eat anything if it's mixed with yogurt. I finally made him some saag paneer (minus the paneer) and some curried lentils. He liked them pretty well. But he definitely still loves his sweet potato. Nathan's also starting to those two teeth that he has to use. One day he looked very interested in what we were having. I gave him a little cube of zucchini, he ate it and opened his mouth up for more. Since then, we've tried giving him little pieces of what we are eating (as long as it isn't salty). Sometimes he likes it, sometimes he will spit it out.
Yes, in the picture above, our son is playing with dog food. One day, I was feeding him some chunky avocado and  I noticed that he was trying to pick the pieces that had fallen on his tray up with his fingers. The problem is that every time he picked up something, instead of putting it into his mouth, he would drop it on the floor. I tried giving him some cereal and he did the same thing. Our dog Teddy, was having a blast! But too much human food makes a little doggie sick. So, to promote his pincer grasp skill, we allowed him to practice with Teddy's dry food. I guess it was a bit of a mean joke to Teddy because at first he was really excited about all the food that was being dropped, but once he realized it was his dry food, he snorted and walked away. 

We are pretty excited about our trip to San Francisco that is coming up soon. I think there will be times where it will be challenging traveling with a baby, but I guess that's what's going to make it more of an adventure, right? 

Oh, pool pictures! Here you go. 

Thanks for reading! Bye!

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