Nathan also met his cousins for the first time. He didn't really like to be pushed around in a baby doll stroller. But it was amusing while it lasted.
On Tuesday, Nathan and I went to a baby + mama massage class. The massage portion was a bit underwhelming, but I loved the atmosphere of the group. We started the class out by sharing the toughest part of being a mom. It was good to hear that other moms were facing the same frustrations. I am really looking forward to going back next week.
So far, being a mom, besides being very time consuming, is very managable. The only annoying thing is that during one of his night feedings, he stays up for like 3 hours before he goes back to sleep. Now that I know to expect this, it is not as bad. But in the beginning, it was very frustrating because I would finish feeding him, burp him and put him down while he was nodding off. As soon as his eyes close and his arms go limp, I would turn off the light and get ready to sleep myself. Suddenly, I would hear a wimper, I wait a bit, and then a full out cry. The problem is that Nathan has gas and it seems like we need to burp him forever at night to soothe him. I usually last for about 2 hours before I give up and then Steve takes over. It seems like Steve's got the magic touch because for the past 2 nights, Steve can get Nathan sleeping in 20 minutes. He's been really great! I love my family so much. Just today as I was walking Teddy, I thought to myself, God has blessed me with such a great family. Everything is just about perfect.
So far, we've been co-sleeping with Nathan. During the day, I have him napping in his pack'n play and for the first time today, I had him sleeping in his crib. He slept for almost 4 hours in the crib. I think he likes it. Perhaps he will be sleeping in his own room sooner than I thought.
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