Thursday, October 25, 2012

4 Weeks

Everywhere I go, I still get comments about how small Nathan is. He's almost 8 pounds. People, have you not seen small babies? Oh well.

Nathan's grandparents came to visit a few days ago and it was nice having a few extra pairs of hands around. Now that they are gone, we are back on our schedule and things are going pretty smoothly. I even had the opportunity to go out for a girl's night and celebrate my friend's birthday. Steve got to ride 65 miles in the Livestrong Challenge. We also went to a pumpkin patch/pick your own flower farm. I breastfed in public for the first time in the back seat of the car... not the spacious place to do so.

Nathan also met his cousins for the first time.  He didn't really like to be pushed around in a baby doll stroller. But it was amusing while it lasted.

On Tuesday, Nathan and I went to a baby + mama massage class. The massage portion was a bit underwhelming, but I loved the atmosphere of the group. We started the class out by sharing the toughest part of being a mom. It was good to hear that other moms were facing the same frustrations. I am really looking forward to going back next week.

So far, being a mom, besides being very time consuming, is very managable. The only annoying thing is that during one of his night feedings, he stays up for like 3 hours before he goes back to sleep. Now that I know to expect this, it is not as bad. But in the beginning, it was very frustrating because I would finish feeding him, burp him and put him down while he was nodding off. As soon as his eyes close and his arms go limp, I would turn off the light and get ready to sleep myself. Suddenly, I would hear a wimper, I wait a bit, and then a full  out cry. The problem is that Nathan has gas and it seems like we need to burp him forever at night to soothe him. I usually last for about 2 hours before I give up and then Steve takes over. It seems like Steve's got the magic touch because for the past 2 nights, Steve can get Nathan sleeping in 20 minutes. He's been really great! I love my family so much. Just today as I was walking Teddy, I thought to myself, God has blessed me with such a great family. Everything is just about perfect.

So far, we've been co-sleeping with Nathan. During the day, I have him napping in his pack'n play and for the first time today, I had him sleeping in his crib. He slept for almost 4 hours in the crib. I think he likes it. Perhaps he will be sleeping in his own room sooner than I thought.

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