- A morning walk from 10-11 in the morning
- A quick walk in the sling to the mailbox in the afternoon
- A nap for mommy from 1-2:30ish
- Feedings every 3 hours.
Things are steady. Not much to report about this past week, but grandma and grandpa are visiting this week.

Changing Pad
Nathan pretty much sleeps in it. We have this in our bed between Steve and me at night so that we don't roll over him. During the day, I have him sleep in this while in his pack n' play to get him used to sleeping in there. When it's time for him to move to his crib, I will probably put the changing pad in the crib too.
My Brest Friend
Forget the Boppy. I had received a Boppy pillow for breastfeeding, but found that it was awkward to use. It simply was not made for breast feeding. However, it works great as a device that keeps Nathan from rolling off of the couch when we set him on it. I tried the MBF for the first time in the hospital when they had me nurse Nathan. I fell in love with it immediately and when we got home, immediately went to the local baby consignment store to see if they had one in stock. I was in luck and found one in my favorite color for $19.99.
The Milkies Milk Saver
Thanks to the MMS, my pumping days are over.This was a product that my friend Kym recommended that I get. You basically stick it on the boob that you are not feeding with and it catches the milk that is let down during the feeding. Normally, moms use feeding pads to absorb the milk, but I am able to save at least an ounce at each feeding. With 8 feedings a day, that's 8 ounces of milk that I can save up!
Grass Drying Rack
Who knew this little device would come in so handy. I actually have this sitting next to my bed so that at night, I have my milk saver and bottles easily accessible. It's pretty cool to have all of Nathan's washables drying in one spot. Plus, it's cool to look at and can be used as a pencil/marker holder when he's older.
I didn't think this mom thing would be so time consuming, but it is so worth it and I am enjoying the experience.
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