Dear Kiddos,
Sorry I've fallen so behind on making posts. Life is just kind of crazy right now and tonight I have a free moment to get this post out before you all graduate from high school. I just uploaded 350 pictures from February. So, here's January.
After we got back from the break, Nathan, your lego robotics team met for a few more times and then had our final meeting before the tournament. We celebrated with ice cream!
Hannah, you went to your first gymnastics meet ever in San Antonio. You were nervous at first, but after the first event, your nerves settled down and these shiny medals have you hooked on gymnastics.

A few weeks later, we went to the big Simone Biles gymnastics invitational. There were 4 gyms running athletes simultaneous and we even saw Simone at the front desk helping with check-in!
Our school got first place at the invitational, so that was a super exciting moment for you!
We also celebrated the Chinese New Year. At Chinese school, they brought a pair of dancing lions.
When Nathan and Hannah are busy at their extra curricular activities, you always seem to find ways to entertain yourself. You like to cut play-doh hair,
I let you play with the forbidden slime, and you even design your own ball gowns out of paper bags. Life is never dull with you, Hailey... except for when you get into your little "worst day ever" funks.
For a few days this month, you were saying "worst day ever" any time something didn't go your way. You complained about everything! Food, your clothes, being bored, how we have really strict rules, etc. I realized that since your surgery, I had been babying you, so we had a come to Jesus talk one day. While you were in the deep funk, I told you, "Ok, this is the worst day ever, is it? Ok, dinner tonight, you don't get any. If you get hungry, you can have water, because some people don't get to eat food every day. You see all of those toys that you just got from Christmas? If you want it to be the worst day ever, I can just throw them all away." [you perk up and I get a little dramatic...maybe a little overboard] and these cookies that you just are sick and tired of? I'm throwing them all out. You don't need to have any snacks too. Suddenly, I can tell the gears start to turn in your head and tears just gush from your face. You cry for a little bit and once you calmed down, you came and told me that you didn't think that it was the worst day ever. It's just that those are things that you didn't want to do. We cuddled and then talked about how it's ok to not like something or not want to do something, but we shouldn't go around saying that it's the worst day ever every time you don't get what you want. ---I played that song with the lyrics "You can't always get what you want." to you in that moment too, but you were definitely not amused.
I also have these martial arts pictures saved in my phone, but I have no idea what these were for. Possibly for earning power stripes.
January was just a time for getting back into the swing of things. Roller derby started back up for me and it was also a season of competitions. We'll have lots of fun in the next post.
Our school got first place at the invitational, so that was a super exciting moment for you!
We also celebrated the Chinese New Year. At Chinese school, they brought a pair of dancing lions.
I let you play with the forbidden slime, and you even design your own ball gowns out of paper bags. Life is never dull with you, Hailey... except for when you get into your little "worst day ever" funks.
For a few days this month, you were saying "worst day ever" any time something didn't go your way. You complained about everything! Food, your clothes, being bored, how we have really strict rules, etc. I realized that since your surgery, I had been babying you, so we had a come to Jesus talk one day. While you were in the deep funk, I told you, "Ok, this is the worst day ever, is it? Ok, dinner tonight, you don't get any. If you get hungry, you can have water, because some people don't get to eat food every day. You see all of those toys that you just got from Christmas? If you want it to be the worst day ever, I can just throw them all away." [you perk up and I get a little dramatic...maybe a little overboard] and these cookies that you just are sick and tired of? I'm throwing them all out. You don't need to have any snacks too. Suddenly, I can tell the gears start to turn in your head and tears just gush from your face. You cry for a little bit and once you calmed down, you came and told me that you didn't think that it was the worst day ever. It's just that those are things that you didn't want to do. We cuddled and then talked about how it's ok to not like something or not want to do something, but we shouldn't go around saying that it's the worst day ever every time you don't get what you want. ---I played that song with the lyrics "You can't always get what you want." to you in that moment too, but you were definitely not amused.
January was just a time for getting back into the swing of things. Roller derby started back up for me and it was also a season of competitions. We'll have lots of fun in the next post.
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