Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Day 5 Post Surgery: Still at the Hospital

Since our last post, you've been making lots of progress. You went from having 4 heart monitors, 2 IVs, 1 JV,  an oximeter, and a chest tube connected to a bulky bubbly collector, to now just an oximeter, heart monitor and chest tube connected to a teeny tiny bulb. 

You can see the tube in the cavity. Apparently this is the thing that is causing the most discomfort right now. This is actually the thing that's holding us back from being discharged. You are still draining too much fluid from your chest. When the drainage reaches an acceptable level, they will take it out and then monitor you for awhile before discharging us. 

You sure love the cinnamon rolls at the hospital. Yesterday, you ate almost 3 cinnamon rolls! 
An art therapist came in the middle of the day to come and do some art with you. You decided to make a book with her. 

You hopped on a zoom call with your best friend and you two giggled like you were right next to each other. 
We ordered cinnamon rolls again for breakfast...I caught you licking the plate. You are also sporting a very cool (literally) ice pack necklace. 
And today, you got a chance to skype with your class at school. Everyone loves you so much and is praying for your quick recovery. I'm at home tonight while Dad is staying at the hospital. I'm looking forward to a nice hot shower and a quiet and dark room to sleep in. 

I'll be back to hang out tomorrow morning. 



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