Today the doctors decided that you were ready to get your test tube pulled out, so they gave you some Oxycontin so it doesn't hurt as much. But when it was time to pull it, you asked for a tablet for some distraction.
You did so well! I read that this is probably the most
painful part of the whole experience. I could tell you
were in pain, but you were so brave...You didn't even
cry. The nurses went on and on about how well you did.
And when you got a tablet, you started to play a dress up game and started to wish that you could get dressed up to go to a party. So you put on a dress that your neighbor gave you.
And once you put on that pretty dress, you are going to want to go to a party, so your mom and dad take you to a party that happened to be happening right after your tube was taken out.
So when you go to the party, you're going to want some treats. But you realize that many of the treats have dairy in them, so you are going to want to do some crafts instead.
And when you sit down to do some crafts, different characters come and bring you lots of random things like books, toys, and coloring books. You realize that they are all not the real characters (except for batman, who sounded suspiciously like the real one) and so you refuse to take any pictures with them and ask for some paint.
And once you get the paint, you start to paint your unicorn ornament. And after painting for about 15 minutes, you realize that you are a bit tired and hungry so you ask to go back to the room.
And once you go back to the room, mom and dad leave to go pick up the car that randomly lost a nut the day before your scheduled surgery. So when they are gone, you eat lunch.
But after you take a few bites of cinnamon roll and pineapple, the medicine that you had earlier causes you to get nauseous and you lose your lunch and you cry out for your mom and dad.
When your mom comes back, there is an EKG machine ready to monitor your heart and that involves peeling stickers off of your chest. Because the stickers are sticky and hurt a little when you peel them off, you are going to want a popsicle.
So the nurse brings you a grape popsicle and since mom couldn't split it in half, you get both halves. And after eating a popsicle, you are going to want to do a calming activity so that you don't lose the popsicle as well.
And after you spend some time doing a calming activity, you are going to want to go outside to let out some energy.
So your mom takes you out to the garden and once you see a little pool, you're going to want to stick your toes in the water and when you do, your toes get wet.
And once your toes get too cold, you're going to want to put your socks back on. And once your socks are back on, you are going to want to climb and explore the space.
And once you realize that you can climb up the ledge, you are going to want to try to walk on it like a balance beam. (mom is super nervous this whole just did have open heart surgery)
After you are sick and tired of hearing your mom say, "be careful" or "please don't climb so high!" you want a change of scenery, so you ask for some cheerios to feed the fish.
And once you use up all of your cheerios to feed the fish, you're going to want to explore around the pond.
And after walking all the way around the pond, you're going to get tired and want to go back to the cardiac unit.
And once we are back in the unit, you get a final x-ray, wait for the doctors to look at your images, and then you're going to need to pick up your medicine before you go home.
And once you pick up your medicine, you are going to want to pack up all of your stuff to go home because you miss your family and sleeping in your bed.
And once you are all packed up and ready to go, you're going to have to sit in traffic for over an hour just to get home.
And when you get home, you lose a bit of your popsicle because Oxycontin seems to make you nauseus and have headaches.
The End.
Side note: I'm writing this post about to fall asleep. I had no idea that staying in the hospital can be so mentally draining. The constant sounds of monitors create a symphony of beeps that your brain kind of just tunes out after awhile. The sound of crying babies put me on high alert each time I hear a cry of hunger or of pain. Now we are at home, safe, I am really appreciating the stillness even though it is 10 pm Hailey and you are still awake! (You took a nap on the way home from the hospital, so I think that may have given you a second wind.
Well, you rest up and eat up. You job is to heal.
I want to give a special thanks for each and everyone of you who were praying and sending good thoughts our way. I want to thank all of you who gifted Hailey something special for her to occupy her time with. I also want to thank all of you who donated meals or uber eats credits to help make that task just a bit more easier. I also want to thank the hospital staff for doing all that they do to help patients in a positive and caring way.