We also had these Duplos out in the living room for many days. You guys really liked playing with them and would sit and play for long stretches of time during your breaks.
We finished our art project for the week, illustrating music with paint. We will probably do a follow up with the different genres of classical music in a few weeks.
If we let you sleep in until 8, you typically will not go down for a nap and afternoons after dinner are a bit rough. Cue the temper tantrums.
You are also doing great at the potty training thing. You know when you need to go and most times you will make it without accidents, but sometimes, you have accidents, which is ok because you are not even 3 yet. You can keep dry at naps if we take you potty before and most mornings you wake up with a dry diaper. So, if you are reading this and you are going through a potty training stage, be cool about it and they will be successful. Don't be like me when I was with Hannah. I did all the things you are not supposed to do with potty training and it's been a headache up until almost 6.
One day you both found your Anna and Elsa costumes and wore them all day as you played and worked together. It's too cute.
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The Spread (minus some Pokemon crackers) |
When we do get outside, we've been going out in the mornings because it is still hot. As mentioned earlier, it's been getting as high as 106 degrees in the afternoons. We got out this morning for 45 minutes of skating before it got too hot.
Nathan, you are working through some emotional issues with dealing with fairness, justice and following through with the desire of revenge. After telling you time and time that it's ok to be angry, but you can't hurt others, I decided that I needed another strategy. Of course I turned to the internet for some advice and after reading the first article that popped up on the google search, the following words just broke my heart. "...sure sign that your child feels that he is of little worth or value in the world. He sees the world as hostile and himself as a victim of that hostility. To cope with such feelings, he lashes out and gives those around him a “taste of his own medicine.” (from https://www.cornerstonesforparents.com/revenge-seeking-behavior)
Cue feelings of guilt. You are actually such an amazing kid and I don't do a great job of letting you know it. I'm always pointing out where you could do better and in turn, that can totally translate to you as not being good enough. Well, you are! I'm going to do a better job of letting you know how loved you are.
Speaking of awesome kids, I am thankful for you guys being old enough to being able to do chores and being able to do them well (enough) without me having to supervise.
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