Last Thursday marked the last day of Ducks/Tigers class. Nathan officially graduated from Pre-school.
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Sept 2017 |
May 2018 |
The ceremony was very nice. I teared up the moment you all started to line up. (I'm not even a crier!)
The entire class sang a few songs, and then you all lined up to receive your diplomas.
Afterwards your teacher held a little celebration ceremony for the combined classes. Each student received an award. You received the confident leadership award.
On Friday, we spent the whole day home and had a friend come over to play in the morning. In the afternoon, we made shake and bake chicken. You both showed off your best shake and bake dances.
Then, this weekend was birthday party extravaganza. We had 3 (technically 4) birthday parties to attend. We went to the playground for one, Stubbs graceland for 2, and then a jumpy house for the last one.
Auntie Momo and Ama also came to visit. Auntie Momo had to go back to finish off the school year, but Ama will be staying with us for 2 weeks! Life is already exponentially easier with her here.But we are still having schedule time in the afternoon, which takes up about 2 hours.
Hannah, I love how you will just go off and do crafts on your own. This was such a sweet moment I just had to snap a photo.
Our neighbors gave us a huge bag of legos. Nathan, this has been keeping you quite busy.
Hailey, girl, what is going on at night?!?! You will fall asleep without a problem during the day, but at night, an hour after I put you down (sometimes 30 minutes) you will wake back up. And sometimes, this repeats itself until about 1 am. 1 am! This is starting to be a nightmare for me! Last night you woke up at 11:00 and you didn't go down until 1:30!
You may be going through another leap. Growth spurt? I don't know, but you really need to be sleeping more. Your averages are slowly dipping lower and lower.
Otherwise you are such a happy baby. You are almost never fussy. You will play on your own. You love to pull yourself to standing and will find my hands to grab onto any moment you get. It's actually pretty cute.You are getting pretty good at your pincer grasp and you are really steady as you sit up. Sometimes you will lean forward and start to rock back and forth. I know crawling will be in your future soon, but you need to spend more time on your belly before you will crawl.
I am trying to treasure these precious night time wakings, but it is so tough when I am just exhausted and want to sleep. I pray that this sleep regression/leap/teething; whatever it is, resolves itself really soon.
Well, that's about it for now.
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