Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Summer Fun VBS and 4th of July

Dear Nathan and Hannah, 
This summer has been quite busy. Who knew life with preschoolers could be this exciting. Last week we finished up a week long session of VBS and Nathan, you absolutely loved the experience. You were sad to find out that you would have to wait another year before VBS happens again. You even tried to convince me that it was still going on this week. 
 The decorations were pretty awesome. On the last day, you both wanted me to take pictures of you guys at your favorite spots.

 On Saturday, we went to Home Depot to participate in their workshop. You guys got to make your own bug houses.
 It was crowded, but luckily Daddy suggested that we bring our own hammer and you two were happy to take turns with each other to complete the project.
 We even met up with some friends and had a great time wood working together.

 Hannah, you have recently become very interested in drawing. You are getting pretty good at coloring things in... and you can even tell when you don't do a great job. I was surprised to hear you ask our neighbor if your picture was bad. Your little voice, desperately asking, "Is my picture not good? Is it bad?" And our neighbor, who was so sweet, replied, I'm coloring, don't ask me any questions. I quickly ran over and complimented the good things that you did, like you used different colors and you colored in the details of the picture.
We've also recently discovered that you enjoy to do mazes. We've had a few opportunities to sneak off on our own and complete some mazes. 
 And then you wanted to draw, so I watched as you drew a picture of me with the baby in my belly (that's the little circle between my arms) and then you drew some hair on top and said, H for hair!
I was a bit surprised because first of all you wrote the letter H and you related it to hair.
 On Monday, we went across the street to the elementary school to watch fireworks with our next door neighbors. While Nathan really just sat back and enjoyed the show, Hannah was sitting with anticipation to watch a drumming show. Apparently all the flashy bursts of light exploding in the sky was not enough. You wanted to see where the booms were coming from, and to you it was pretty obvious that there was going to be a drum show after the fireworks. Well, with it being 2 hours past your bedtime, you threw a pretty big tantrum when you realized that there would be no drum show.
 After a good night sleep, you two woke up normal time, ready for the neighborhood parade. Nathan, you rode your bike and you were so proud of yourself when you saw kids way bigger than you still in training wheels. And Hannah, I was so proud of you for riding your scooter the whole time around the parade.
 Although afterwards, you did get pretty tired and required some extra hugs.
 But in the end, we were all rewarded with snow cones. You both decided that you wanted to make a rainbow with all the different flavors.

In the evening 2 families came over to our house for dinner and since we already saw fireworks the night before, we got you both to bed at a more decent hour. 

Week 29 Pregnancy Update. 
Well, baby is getting to be big and kicking a whole lot more. Hannah did not kick a whole lot (probably due to hip dysplasia) but this one is moving and wiggling and kicking all the time. I don't think I'm much bigger than I was last week, but things are starting to fill up inside and getting cramped up. 
Regular visits to the chiropractor have been very helpful as I haven't really had to ask Steve for back massages at all. 
My iron levels are borderline low, so I've been trying to eat more iron rich foods and taking a B complex vitamin has done wonders for my energy levels. I have not taken a nap in over a week. 

I'm not quite sure if I have allergies, a minor cold, or pregnancy induced sinus congestion, but I've been feeling sniffly the past 2 days. 
Overall, this pregnancy is going very well. I have another appointment next week so I'll probably have more detailed updates then. 

I love you both very much and I look forward to seeing how both of you will rise up to take on your new roles as our new baby will join our family soon. 
Until next week, 

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