Dear Nathan and Hannah,
These past 2 weeks have been busy. Between botany camp for Nathan and swim lessons for Hannah, we've been busy in the mornings running back and forth around town. This week Hannah has started to not want to take an afternoon nap. For awhile, you were ok with about 20 minutes of quiet time in my room and then you would lay down yourself and take a nap. But as the days progressed, the wake time got longer and longer until one day this past week, you just didn't take a nap. Why would anyone want to sleep when "schedule time" sounds like so much fun. Well, the past 2 days, you are finding out just what schedule time consists of and I have a feeling that it's not as exciting as you thought it was. (You really enjoyed doing Chinese homework with Nathan though...)
On Friday, there was no swim class, so Hannah, you and I spent the morning at the Wildflower Center participating in their Sprouts program. We got to look at things up close and then made observations about living and non-living things in a small field study.
You did a great job sketching your observations. (Your drawings are starting to look kind of like what they actually are supposed to represent)Nathan's been very into rebuilding Daddy's old legos lately. Right now you are working on a space shuttle and you've been working on that during your spare time for the past 3 days.
Nathan you are also doing a great job with keeping your undies dry during the night. You are now officially a big boy who is done with diapers (finally).
I really love Nathan at this age of life. You are generally helpful and insightful with amazing questions always spewing from your mouth.
Hannah is also starting to really understand cause and effect and able to problem solve pretty well.
On Saturday we participated in a Supper Club where we visited an apartment complex and shared a meal and just hung out with the residents there. I'm really loving that our church is doing more outreach mission projects.
Hannah still loves to help out in the kitchen, while Nathan, your interest is starting to wane...even when there's chocolate brownies involved.
On Monday, my car battery died, so we didn't get to go to swim class. However, we did end up going to our neighborhood pool and just practiced swimming there. We had lots of fun and we basically had the whole pool to ourselves. The water was cool, not warm, and the weather was overcast...a perfect Texas day for swimming.

Nathan really enjoys cheering you on and recording you while you swim.
Baby Update:
Baby is positioned with her head down already, so as long as she doesn't make any major permanent shifts, we will be ok. So far, we are all healthy, the only inconvenience is that I'm not able to eat as much as I'd like to: I'm always still feeling hungry.
Well, since Hannah is not taking afternoon naps, and I have taken on a new part time job (helping coordinate a mentoring program at a local elementary school) I think these posts will not occur as regular as they have been for the past few years. I imagine I will be writing these mostly at night now, so for those of you (grandma and grandpa) who've built reading this blog into their weekly schedule, I apologize.
Well, until next week,
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