Dear Nathan,
I have a question for you. Do you miss Hannah when you are at camp? I also have to tell you something. Hannah misses you when you are at camp.
It seems like recently, Nathan, you have these 2 concepts: asking questions vs. telling us something, mixed up. Often you ask us if you can ask us a question and then you tell us a fact, and then vice-a-versa.
And Hannah, you are getting better at counting in English. 1, 2, 3, 4... not 1, 2, 3, 7.
This week Nathan has camp at the wildflower center, so in the mornings Hannah, you and I, we've had some time to ourselves. On Monday, I had a bunch of appointments to get to and then we went to the gym. 3 hours is not a lot of time to get stuff done. On Tuesday, I asked you what you wanted to do, and you told me you wanted to go play at the playground. So, we packed up some sand toys and played at the sand box for almost an hour and then the swings.
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Making a Birthday Cake (See the 2 candles?) |
Nathan, you started a week long half day camp at the wildflower center. The topic of the week is habitats. You really enjoy the camp and your favorite parts of the day are the games. You tell me that you don't have a least favorite part, so that's a good sign that you are really enjoying yourself.
This was taken on day one at drop off. Hannah wanted to bring along baby Goldilocks, purse, and sunglasses.Last week Hannah, you wanted to get your face painted, so today, we stood in line and you got a purple and yellow butterfly painted on your face.
For a person who used to do face painting on little kids, you did a great job staying still for the artist. You squirmed a few times when the brush was a bit tickly, but overall, you followed directions and stayed still.
We also got a chance to make jellyfish crafts. Tomorrow Daddy will drop Nathan off at camp and we will get to stay home and do crafts. This was something else that you wanted to do during our morning girl time.
Everyday when we pick up or drop off Nathan, Hannah looks forward to seeing if the turtles are out at the pond. There's just so much interesting things to see there: dragonflies of various colors, fishes, turtles, and even beautiful water lilies. You two always want to see frogs jumping Aaon the lily pads and every day you are disappointed when you don't find any.
We get home around 12:15 and 12:30. At this point, Nathan has finished lunch and Hannah has had some sort of lunch and is full enough to just want to play with Nathan. I can tell that you two have missed each other because both of you giggle as you go upstairs to play nicely and I can sit down and eat lunch in peace. Ahhh.
Surprisingly, you all did not get too wet. The balloons just bounced off of you guys and burst when they hit the ground.
On Sunday, we tried out the Umlauf sculpture garden's family day. There was a puppet show,
And trampolines spread throughout the garden for kids to jump on.
Luckily for Hannah, only one kid was allowed in the trampoline at a time. Usually other kids in jumpy places intimidate you. So you had the whole place to yourself, for 30 seconds.
A few days ago, we stopped by the Asian market and I picked up some tropical fruit that actually looked pretty fresh and not sitting on a boat for 3 months. I cut up an assortment and let you guys try each one.
Both of you liked the Rambutan (red pokey fruit) and Nathan, you think it tastes like a grape. Hannah really likes the Jack fruit, but it is too stinky for Nathan. But overall, both of you still like mangoes the best, and luckily, those we can pick up easily at HEB.Our garden is doing quite well. Daddy and I have tried many times throughout the years to grow our own vegetables. This is the first year we've gotten enough food for an entire meal at once. We used to get 2-3 beans, 1-2 tomatoes, or 1 squash. It doesn't hurt that you two are pretty good at reminding us to water the plants. Too bad you still don't like tomatoes or shishito peppers. Our green beans are starting to flower, so I imagine that in a few weeks, we should get some green beans, which you guys actually like.
Hannah absolutely still loves to cook. Anytime I make any ruckus in the kitchen, I am sure to hear a quick pitter patter of little feet, followed by, "Mommy, what are you doing? Can I cook too?"
One day this week we braved the heat and played outside for awhile. Usually we quickly take Teddy on a walk and then rush home for some cold water because it's just so hot. But we just hung out, you guys played construction trucks with the gravel on the side of the house while I did some weeding. I tried to get you guys to scoop up the weeds that were growing in the gravel bed, but that was just not fun in your book.
Then we broke out the chalk and drew on the driveway. Hannah, you decided to make yourself into a lion. I thought that was pretty creative.
And when Daddy came home, we had to have him lay down so we could draw a picture of him too.
We have a few more days together, than I go off to Baton Rouge for a week of work. Auntie Momo will come and play with you guys and then the following week is VBS for Nathan. We have a week break for the 4th of July and then Nathan goes back to camp and Hannah will start swim lessons with Ms. Cathy for 2 weeks. Who knew life with toddlers could be this hectic already!
Well, I look forward to more Mommy and Me time with Hannah because soon, you'll be the middle child and you know what always happens to middle children...
Oh, before I forget, I want to record this sweet memory that happened yesterday while we were walking up to pick up Nathan. Hannah sweetly grabbed my hand as we were walking, and with a proud grin on your face, you sweetly said, "Just you and me. Mommy and Hannah." Oh poor girl, you'd better savor this moment, because with your new baby sister coming, these moments will be few and far between.
On the baby front: I had a prenatal appointment on Monday. Everything looks pretty good and normal. At this point, my baby bump is as big as it was the week before Nathan was born. Crazy! What urged me to check on this was when I put on a non-maternity shirt that I was able to wear when I was pregnant with Nathan and it didn't quite cover my belly completely.
I have a gestational diabetes test scheduled the week I get back from Baton Rouge and this time the midwife told me that I should eat a normal amount of carbs the day before the test, because in the past, it has shown that if a mom eats a low carb diet the day before, it is more likely for the mom to fail the test.... interesting, right? Considering I didn't think I really had gestational diabetes with Hannah and felt that I was misdiagnosed. Anyways, we'll see how it all works out.
Baby is about 2 pounds now and with the chiropractic adjustments, I'm feeling her move a lot, especially right after I lay down in bed for the night. I tend to feel her movements in my lower abdomen, on the left side.
Well, that's about it for now. Until next week (which may be a delayed post)!
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