Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hannah is 20 Months + 1 Week and Super Specific and Demanding

Dear Hannah, 
I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be to know what you want, but be in too much of a rush to think about how to communicate your wishes. You are in a very independent stage in your life where you are figuring out how to do things, all in a very particular way. Your way. 

You do a pretty good job with putting things away. In fact, one of your favorite things to say is "so-chi-lai" which means put it away in Chinese. You understand this concept so well in that you often tell me to "so-chi-lai" whatever I'm doing so I can give you more attention. 
 Not too bad for a 20 monther!
 Another thing you are insistent about is drinking water from a cup. You d not want any lids of any kind, no straws. In fact, if I even start to put a lid on and then hand it to you, you push it away.
You also want to use real dishes some times, especially when you see Nathan using them. Basically, you pretty much want to do things like Nathan and no other way. 

You've also started to use the phrase, "Mine!" and unfortunately, you are usually taking something away from another person. We are going to have to crack down on this and will start doing time outs. 

While I sound like I may be complaining, and while it is a bit annoying and frustrating at times, I know that this is a normal part of your development and it is a good thing that you know what you want and you know how to get it. 

Keep working on those lines of communication. If you keep trying, I promise, I'll keep listening. 

Ohh, on the potty training front, I have decided to start doing it. You are actually pretty good at showing that you need to go potty #2. Sometimes you will indicate that you need to go pee pee. I kind of think you are just excited about the song that we sing after you go in the potty. Previously, I've held you backwards on the potty, but this week Daddy got you to go potty sitting on the potty seat by yourself! 

Dear Nathan, 
Your enthusiasm for life and eagerness to please utterly melts my heart. I absolutely love this stage of life, where everything is exciting, and a wonder. On Friday, our MOPS group had a play date at the Wildflower center. We had fun participating in the Sprouts program, where you even learned how to identify recycling symbols. Now before you throw anything away, you look for the recycling symbol and if it's not there, you ask whether or not you can recycle it. 

Here you are, walking hand in hand with a little friend. 
 That evening, we went to a small pot luck gathering at church. You even convinced Daddy to go hide under a fort.
On Saturday, while Daddy went to play hockey, we drove down to New Braunfels for a birthday party. The people around us commented on how independent your little sister was. It's pretty much because she has a cool older brother to look up to. 
 We played some arcade games, which apparently is the best thing ever for you to do. You absolutely love this kind of stuff. Hannah was perfectly content with mimicking your movements, like pointing a gun, or turning a steering wheel.
 You guys did, however play a game of air hockey and then shortly after this game, I found a smaller air hockey player, one that both of you can reach without sitting on the surface, Hannah was not interested at all. Nathan ended up playing with whichever kid happened to pick up the hand paddle and played.
Sunday morning, everyone came to watch me play my first derby scrimmage. Per your request, I made flags for both of you to wave at the game. Everyone commented on how cute you guys were.
You even asked to bring your skates so that you could practice a bit. Daddy said you did a pretty good job. 

 On Wednesday, your school had a circus day. You told me that you wanted to dress up like a crocodile, or an elephant, but after perusing Pinterest with no luck, I decided to stick with a make shift clown costume. You told me you wanted to look like a happy clown so I painted your face like so.
 But then I momentarily must have forgotten about your allergies, and your drooliness so I had to start from scratch and make something more Nathan-smudge proof.

Your teacher said that you were very proud of it and didn't want her to wipe it off.
 Hannah totally gave you a double take this morning when she passed by you. She then pointed to your face and babbled something excitingly.
You've been an extra pleasant boy to be around this week. You've been sharing, taking turns, but still being a bit on the rough side, especially with Hannah. We only have a month of school left so we'll have to figure out what to do during the hot summer days. 

Until next week, 

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