Friday, March 4, 2016

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Sorry kids, 
Another busy week and Nathan no longer napping has made it difficult to update the blog on our regular scheduled day. I think Nathan, you have officially dropped your afternoon nap. You've been going to bed late and waking up early if you take a nap, so we decided to try not napping, you are a bit cranky, but not too crazy, so we are going with that. 

A few days ago, we decided to give everyone haircuts. For Chinese new year, people usually get a new outfit and get their hair cut. I hadn't planned on giving Hannah a cut, but as I was cutting Nathan's hair, Hannah, you were jumping up and down, pulling on your hair as if you wanted me to cut it too. Well, after Nathan was finished, we put you on the chair and this is how you react. 
 We just trimmed up the back a bit so that your hair is less mullet-like and left everything else alone.

One day, we were stuck at home due a possible cold, which really just turned out to be allergies. Without anything structured, both of you were just crazy. Getting into trouble, breaking things...Well, we decided to make a beef stew and I enlisted your help and things immediately got calmer. Nathan got a chance to peel carrots with a peeler for the first time. You did pretty good. A few of the carrots turned into pencils, but that's ok. You are practicing.
 While Nathan peeled the carrots, Hannah helped me chop up the carrots into bite size pieces.
 When you keep your undies dry Nathan, you get to practice skating in the afternoon. Here you are practicing indoors. Hannah wants to help by holding your hand.
 And while Nathan is practicing skating, Hannah, you are practicing your scooter skills.
 Here's proof that we actually make an attempt at keeping the house clean. One morning, we vacuumed upstairs. Both of you were super helpful.

 While you both were working hard, I sat back and drank a green tea smoothie. Haha.

One afternoon, your best friend Abi came over and we all went to the pool parking lot to practice zooming around on the scooter.

 Hannah, you have pretty much has started wanting to do everything yourself. You want to put your shoes on, and in this picture, you were very insistent that I not help you put on your pants.

 On Monday, while Nathan was at school, Hannah and I went to the Thinkery for some fun. There was a petting zoo there and while we were in line, Hannah showed some interest in the little chicks. You kept pointing to the chicks and saying "Ji, Ji, muo, muo" which translates to, "chicken, chicken, feel, feel" So we got into the pen and the first thing that the handler plops onto your lap is a giant guinea pig.
 You pushed it away. When I asked for a chick, you were a bit less hostile, and didn't complain, but you were did not want to pet it at all. We looked at lots of little critters, I pet them and you watched.

Your friend Ellie, did a little better and didn't freak out at all.

It was a bit nice to visit the Thinkery with just you and me, because we all know that when big brother is there, we pretty much do what he wants to do.

 Nathan, when you heard that we went to the Thinkery while you were at school, with your puppy dog face, you asked me, "Can you take me to the Thinkery too?" Now this face, I can't deny, so I shifted grocery shopping to a different day and we went to the Thinkery on Thursday. Here were a few of your favorite activities.
 Nathan, you could probably stay at the rocket launcher all day if I let you.
 After you fired off your first rocket, Hannah, you said, "Woah!" and then immediately told me excitedly, "More!"

 Afterwards, we went to Nathan's favorite restaurant: Chick-fil-a. As you can see, both of you were very happy eating your ice cream.
 Nathan, you actually asked me why I gave you so much ice cream. Apparently, I gave you too much because you gave me the last half of your cone. Who are you, child?
 Here are just some goofy pictures of you two with Daddy's helmet.

 On Tuesday, Nathan went to soccer class with his friends. I'm pretty impressed with the coach. He's got some great drills that help the kids focus on the basic movements that you would need for soccer.
 After the first class, Nathan, you told me that you didn't like the class because the coach didn't let you kick the ball really high. A few days later, you told me, "I probably want to go back to soccer class so I can practice some more."
 You really enjoy this class and I can tell that it's helping you become more aware of your body.

This week has been up and down, with you guys feeling congested towards the end of your allergy medicine's effective time period, skipping naps and the slight tantrums that come with that, and oh so traumatic haircuts, but you two have also had lots of fun with two trips to the Thinkery, various play dates and time spent outside at parks.

I'm so thankful that the weather has been nice and that allergy medications and nasal sprays have allowed us to enjoy it.

Until next week,

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