Dear Hannah and Nathan,
You two are both at a precious stage where you simply don't care about others' opinions. Randomly, you guys will often break out in dance oh so ridiculous, but oh so adorable. Hannah's most recent interpretation of dancing includes a fist pull with the other arm up in the air.
In the past few days, Nathan, you have regressed like a whole year in the potty training arena. You've been seemingly going potty in your undies defiantly. Yesterday we were at the gym when this happened and we didn't have a spare change of clothes, so I slapped one of Hannah's diapers over your tushie and we walked out to the car without any pants. No shame, or at least you didn't show it, as we walked through the gym floor, people gave you a few second looks just to make sure you had something covering your bum at least. I gave you the cold shoulder the rest of the way home and you ended up promising me that you would try to go potty in the potty and not in your undies. So far so good.
The weather has been pretty cold these past few days. I just had to take this picture of Hannah in the hat that Auntie Momo got you last year. You have finally grown into it and it is pretty cute on you.
On Sunday, we went to the Asian market up north. I promised you Nathan, that if you followed directions through the whole trip, you would get 2 coins to play with whatever arcade game you wanted. You picked the driving game.
And while we patiently waited for Nathan to finish playing, Hannah was perfectly content with driving the very stationary airplane the whole time.

Afterwards, we went to get some dim sum. The idea of getting food off of people pushing carts around was pretty interesting to Hannah. Nathan even got to pick out a dessert that pretty much included all of your favorite fruits on top of a custard pie. Like a little foodie, you examined all the components and carefully took your first bite.
In the meantime, Hannah had already dug in and ate all of the fruit off of the pie already and was digging into the custard pie.Hannah has really gotten to be pretty independent and less destructive. You were able to get in the middle of this intricately set up track without dislodging any of the pieces.
You can't really tell in this picture, but when we go to the gym, Ms. Elsa will sometimes put your hair in a pony tail or two. You stay so still for her, but whenever I try to tie up your hair, you are super squirmy.
This cold weather is not cold enough to keep us inside. One day we went to the school playground to play a bit before it got dark. On the way back, Nathan, you jumped into the stroller first, so I just plopped Hannah onto you. You hugged her as we walked for about 3 minutes and then Hannah started wiggling to get out. I snapped this picture just before mutiny.
After the ponytails came out, you still looked really cute. Wolverine girl in Elmo jammies.
For Thanksgiving, Ama and Auntie Momo drove down from Dallas... just in time, because I got a cold that day and was able to rest a bit more with extra help around.
Hannah got a chance to eat your first Thanksgiving meal. You pretty much liked everything: duck, sweet potatoes, green beans, and potatoes.
Hannah, you've been eating your fish lately, so you've had a major cognitive jump. You now know how to problem solve and try something different if what you are doing isn't working. This new ability allows you to play with the shape sorter and get into all sorts of trouble. You are now able to push chairs, step stools, boxes, books, pretty much anything to help you get something that is out of reach. I really have to keep an extra eye on you now.
Well, grandma and grandpa will be visiting this week so I'm sure we will have lots of fun. Until next week, stay warm and follow directions, please.
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