Dear Nathan and Hannah,
I am definitely just so thankful to be able to share these early days of your lives with you. While most of our mornings are packed with things to do and places to be, our afternoons have been very unstructured as we enjoy these amazing crisp afternoons.
While most days, Nathan, you just run around with the big kids, copying what they are doing, which could be anything from playing ball, to shooting dinosaur bad guys, or playing with your baby sister in our driveway.
Our older neighborhood sometimes like to take a break from playing their big kid games to come spend some time with you, Hannah bear! Your little giggles and head bobs really keep them coming. I think it's so cute to see what games they play with you.Nathan, in the picture above, you are wearing what you call your "hockey pants." One day you emerged from your room after a nap exclaiming, "I found my hockey pants!" They look kind of like Daddy's hockey pants, I guess.
Hannah is getting to be more silly as each day goes on. You often will make silly faces at us, pause, then giggle. Nathan is pretty much
Hannah: Something doesn't quite look right... |
This could warrant an "Uh-Oh!" |
On Saturday, Hannah and I, we had a girls morning out as we went to our Church's market place to get a jump start on our Christmas shopping. You were a great shopping partner as you nodded your head in approval, or shook with disdain. Afterwards, you were pooped so I let you sleep a bit in the car. When I went to go pick you up, I saw thins cute sight and I just wanted to preserve it forever. 
Later that day, Nathan, you and I had a Mommy and Son date. After your nap, I asked you to pick one place for us to go. Anywhere in Austin. You were kind of taken back a bit, overwhelmed with the possibilities, but Daddy worked hard and really twisted your arm to make you pick ice cream shop.
As soon as we stepped out of the car, you called, "I know where to go," stormed in Kramer style and exclaimed to the ice cream scooper, "I want ice cream. Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry and blackberry!" We looked at all of our choices and ended up picking up all of their berry flavors and a scoop of chocolate. We had fun analyzing the flavor profiles of each flavor and experimented with mixing flavors, but your favorite was when we mixed them all together.
After you took this bite, you told me, "That was too big of a bite." You must have gotten an ice cream headache.
Hannah has been doing a great job of eating your green stuff, making you really strong. You are pretty much into lifting largish things right now: books, gallons of milk, your toy cash register, and even your bath tub.
Hannah also met up with a little friend and you two enjoyed playing alongside each other.
Oh, and before I leave, I need to mention something cool that Nathan has been doing this month. This used to be one of my favorite things to do with my dad when I was young: climbing a "tree." This is where the kid, holding on to Dad's hands, climbs up his trunk and at the top, flips over backwards. Nathan could do this all day.
Another thing...we've recently tried this amazing thing to help encourage you, Nathan, to eat faster and more of a variety of foods. It's called a dinner game tray with compartments set up like a game board. With this plate, you will eat at least 2 bites of veggies, which is 2 more bites than what you would normally eat. And because it's a game, you don't dilly dally either. It's business. I'd say so far, it's been worth it. We'll see how long the novelty lasts.
Well, that's about it for now. I need to figure out what we are doing for dinner tonight.
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