We have taken it easy this week and have just gone through the usual routine. Although I have good news to report that Hannah is now able to pull yourself up and cruise along furniture. I was at church today and sat Hannah down next to me while I was cutting up some paper for VBS. Suddenly I see Hannah cruising over towards me! Another thing that you've been doing is waving "Hi" here's a picture of you waving and being happy even when your nose is runny.
You love waving "Hi" or giving us "Hi 5's." Also, you have started to play "peek-a-boo" on your own by flipping a blanket over and off of your face. We usually play this right after your bath because the towel is right there.
We have also gone to the pool 2 times so far.
The first time we were there, Hannah held on tight to me and when I put her in the neck floatie, you grasped the ring with a death grip and tucked your legs into fetal position. The second time we went to the pool, you were a bit more relaxed and allowed your legs to dangle down. You really enjoy being in the ring and watching the other kids play.
I think you liked being in the neck floatie better than the regular one.
In 2 weeks, Nathan will be starting swimming lessons. The instructor claims that in 2 weeks, Nathan will learn how to swim. It's going to be a tough process, but in the end, you will love it. (I hope.) I think I will feel a lot more at ease once Nathan can swim.
I think I mentioned last week that Nathan had a growth spurt recently. You are now able to ride your tricycle by yourself. After having this thing for a year and a half, you can finally reach the pedals with your feet.
This past Saturday, we went to Bubblepalooza and had a pretty good time. The weather was nice, but when you are under the sun, it gets a bit toasty. They had lots of different tools that can be used to blow bubbles of all sizes.
They even had a giant parachute. Nathan liked running through it and Hannah enjoyed sitting underneath it with me and watching the parachute undulate up and down.
As far as Hannah's sleep schedule goes, you are still taking a short morning nap and a 2 hour long afternoon nap. At night, we have taken away the dream feed and you can go from about 7:45 to about 2 o'clock without any milk. When you do wake up, you feed for about 30 minutes and then you sleep until about 7:00. It's so crazy how I can almost set a clock to your schedule.
Well, that's it for now. Until next week,
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