Dear Nathan,
Just a quick reminder that not everything can be fixed with tape. I remember days in the past, long, long ago where I thought the same thing, but in time, you will see that some things are just not fixable.
Here's a great picture of you and daddy in similar outfits. When we went to the store to get you some new shirts, we just had to get this one because it is like many of the shirts that daddy likes to wear.
We have been quite busy this past week. We've done some new activities...Met up with a few fetus-hood friends for a post-Easter egg hunt,
And even made a sign for your room.
Then you sprinkle the beans over the glue that you painted on...
And when you shake off the extra beans, you have letters!
The finished product!

Earlier this week, we met up with your favorite friend, Abigail at the wildflower center. We attended their sprouts program, which I was very impressed with. After the lesson, you knew what a seed was and can identify the seed coat. (In fact, you ate a bunch of beans that night, pulling off the seed coat of each one) You also know that a sprouting seed with a tail is going to become the root, which goes into the ground.
During story time, you did such a great job sitting still and listening to the story!
Then you used a hand lens to examine a seed.
In the meantime, Hannah was snacking on some wood chips.
Afterwards, you and your best friend went to the swings and you guys had so much fun.
It's been awhile since you've seen your best friend, Abigail and you were wanting her to come over to our house afterwards. I know you miss her, but we will see her a lot this summer. In fact you guys will be learning how to swim together with a lady known as the "Austin Swim Nazi." Sounds scary, but I've heard kids love her.
You are getting to be such a big boy. You are a great helper around the house. You can turn on and off lights, get things for me, and help out with Hannah. You really like feeding her and she loves to eat.
You love going to Sunday school with the bigger kids. There you sing songs, listen to stories, and each week you also make a craft. This week, you made a wind sock that you are really proud of.
And you know how once in awhile you ask to see if you are big enough to drive a car? Well, you asked us if you could drive this lawn mower when we were at Costco. We said, "Yes" and you did a double take, making sure that you heard the correct answer. When you got on, you were pretty happy, moving levers, asking what each one of them did.
We have slowly started to talk about our upcoming trip to Taiwan. You are pretty excited about it. I will be sure to document all the important moments so that we can share them with our loved ones.
Dear Hannah,
You are growing up to be cuter and cuter each day. I feel like you are calmer than Nathan was when he was a baby (and he was pretty calm too). You are also more gentle, so Teddy is really not afraid to come near you. For now, he trusts you. Continue you to be gentle with him and he will become your biggest fan.
While Nathan and his friends were looking for Easter eggs, you and your friend Gus, just chilled and watched.
And this week you turned 8 months old!
While you were playing, the sleeve of your dress slipped off of your shoulder a bit. Daddy and I both exclaimed, "Scandalous!"
and you gave us the look (already!).
Besides being a happy baby and on the verge of crawling, you absolutely love your food. I love the faces that you make while you are eating. You really like apples and pears. I just give you a little stick of it and you just gnaw away.
You are also starting to develop your pincer grasp. We now have to be extra vigilant about picking up small things that are within your reach...Nathan, that means beads, beans, and big-boy legos! Hannah loves to put stuff in her mouth. Nathan was a bit more atypical and his put-everything-in mouth phase really only lasted a little while.
In 2 days, we make the long trip to literally, the other side of the world. Daddy is going to take us to the airport Friday morning and we first fly to San Francisco. As of now, we have the whole row of seats to ourselves for the entire 4 hour flight. I'm sure anyone who picks that extra seat in our row will be more than happy to switch to another one...or maybe your cuteness will entice them to stay. Regardless, I hope we can have the whole row to ourselves. It will make things just so much easier.
We get to San Francisco around noon (Texas time) and will meet up with Ama. We have a 3.5 hour layover there, so we will grab some lunch and explore the airport some. I already have a list of things we can do at that airport to kill time and energy. I'm still debating on whether or not to make you take a short nap while before we board, or just follow your cues and see if you get tired or not.
We then board our long, almost 14 hour flight to Taipei. You two are sitting with me in a bulkhead row and we have a bassinet reserved for Hannah. Ama is sitting a few rows behind us. I have lots of little toys wrapped, snacks, and videos loaded onto the Kindle. I'm hoping that the flight attendant will let Nathan sleep on the floor, but I have a feeling that it will not be allowed. We have reserved a kid's meal for Nathan so I hope the food will be more appealing to him.
We land in Taipei 6:30 pm (Taipei time, which means 5:30 am, Texas time) and then we will have to deal with an 11 hour jet-lag. Hopefully everyone will be tired enough to sleep for a bit when it got later.
Please pray for us. I am really glad that both children are pretty well behaved, but 24 hours of travel is tough on anyone, so I'm praying that things just go as smoothly as possible.
I'm so excited about this trip and I know that whatever hardships that we encounter along the way will be worth it in the end. I'm so proud of both of you and I just want to show you off to our family in Taiwan.
Until next week!
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