Dear Children,
It's been a rough few days, both for you and us, parents. But before I start ranting on, here are some cute wildflower pictures for you to enjoy. This winters plentiful rains have fueled the growth of new life and right now, everything is green and wildflowers are everywhere!
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My favorite Hannah picture. |
The best sibling picture I could get. |
Well, that's about it. Ok, so it all started last week when Hannah was teething and going through Hand, foot, and mouth disease. We had thought that Nathan already had the disease and just passed it onto Hannah; but no, Hannah was patient zero in this case. Hannah was sick Sunday/Monday, then on Friday afternoon, I started to feel weak and tired. Nathan woke up from his nap super cranky and tired. Daddy came home and helped out with dinner. At 8:00 both of you went to sleep and I did as well. Super Daddy entertained both of you while I slept all morning. Nathan was feeling tired so you watched a lot of TV. Too much, but when you're sick, it's ok. By lunch I was feeling a lot better and Daddy started to feel tired and weak. I slept some more during nap time and when I woke up, I found Daddy curled up on the floor next to Hannah. He was having chills. At this point, a miracle happened and I was feeling pretty much 100% better. Daddy went to bed to rest for the rest of the evening and I handled things from there. The next day, Daddy was still out of commission, but Nathan and I were feeling much better. Hannah has been happy this whole time. By Sunday afternoon, Daddy was feeling better and we went out to take some pictures. It was a bit rough having everyone sick, but I know Someone was listening to my
Despite everyone else being sick, Hannah has been very happy. You've laughed and smiled more this week than you have ever and during bath time you always gets this huge smile on her your after you look up. I'm not sure what you're smiling at, but it's super cute. I managed to snap a picture while you were doing it.
You always love to watch what big brother is doing.
Unfortunately, you, like mommy are also allergic to Oak pollen. Your nose gets runny, other than that, you are a happy baby!
Just the other day, we were all playing and dancing to some music. You actually started to hit the tambourine in succession! You get so proud of yourself afterwards.
Today Nathan sat with you while at the grocery store. Nathan usually sits in the back with the groceries, but since you guys have been picking up lots of germs there, I decided I would contain you two and wipe down the cart up front really well.
Nathan, some days you are quite the big boy, but other days you want to be like a baby. Some nights you insist on taking a bath in the baby tub. I can't believe that only 2 years ago, you fit perfectly in this bathtub.
Sometimes when I am singing a lullaby to Hannah, you will barge in saying, "Nathan get somethin'!" run out to the play room and come back with either castanets, sleigh bells, or maracas. You then start to sing along. At first, I got really upset at you because you were making lots of noise and distracting Hannah, but then I realized that you just wanted to join. Most of what you do, though sometimes annoying or inconvenient for me, is not malicious, but stems from a desire to help or to join along. I remind myself of that and life gets a bit less complicated.
In the painting realm, you have also reached a new milestone. Your strokes are no longer haphazardly waved onto a piece of paper. You paint intentionally, with a plan. Below, you can see where you have painted each of the trains their correct color. Are you able to color within the lines? No, but I don't expect you to. You are, however, cognizant of white spaces that need to be filled in...that I was surprised. We also talked about light and dark colors.
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Gordon is blue, Percy is green and James is red. |
and a big one.
Nathan pretty much goes the whole day in undies (except for sleeping). You are constantly asking what we are doing, or what certain things are. Nathan can count to 20 in both Chinese and English and loves to sing the alphabet song. It is actually the song that you sing or hum to yourself when you are playing.
We are leaving for our trip to Taiwan in 3 weeks! It will be here before we know it. I am getting super excited. You guys should too. Until next week!
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