Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Week 95.35

Dear Nathan,
You've been such a trouper with Aunt Hope this week while Mommy and Daddy go to work. I've been training teachers these past few days and will continue to do so for the rest of the week. While it was a good break from being a stay at home mommy, I miss our time together during the day. I can see how difficult it must be for working mommies to have only a few hours of time with their babies each day.

Mommy and Daddy celebrated our 5 year anniversary this year. We all went to an Italian restaurant where you tried calamari (and liked it) and then just ate bread for the rest of the meal.

Here are a few pictures of you working on your puzzle. For about 1/3 of the time, you are able to find the correct piece and put it into place. For another third of the time, you are able to find the correct piece if I give you a hint like "look for the yellow piece" or "look for the wheel." And then the rest of the time I have to find the piece for you and show you where it goes.
 You will turn the pieces until it matches up with the rest of the puzzle.

Sometimes you will try to put a wrong piece in and when you notice that it doesn't match up, you will say "No."

You always get really excited when you complete the puzzle.
 This weekend, we took advantage of the cooler weather and visited the greenbelt. You walked for about half of the way and then Daddy carried you down the rocky slope. When we reached the water, you enjoyed throwing rocks and making splashes.

 Here we are comparing bellies. Who has the bigger one?

One day I was cooking in the kitchen and you were beside me playing with your magnets. I looked over and you had sorted all of your magnets by color. You were even saying random numbers. I guess you know the difference between numbers and letters. That's pretty cool.

It seems like recently, you've been saying even more words. You are more eager to repeat what we say than you were a few days ago. One day at dinner I asked if you wanted some cheese. You said "yes" followed by "yellow." You communicated to us that you wanted yellow cheese! (Which I can't believe how much we've gone through at least 75 slices in about 2 months)

You've been crying a bit more before naps. I know you are tired, but you are finding ways to stall. You will want to read one more book, or sing one more song.

As far as the pregnancy goes, things are going well. My blood sugar levels have looked great this week so the doctor says that I only have to test 2 times a day. Yay!

Today, someone made a comment on how I look like I'm about to pop out a baby any day now. Up until the day I birthed you, people were saying that I looked like I was only 20 weeks pregnant, so I hope little sister won't be too big and that most of the size is due to lax muscles and a large placenta.

Well, that's it for now. I love you and miss the time spent with you. I have to go and prepare for my training. Until next week!


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