The time has flown by too quickly. Just the other day we were going to see the doctor for you 18 month check up. I can't believe you are one and a half years old! Stats: You are 33.5 inches tall (this brings you to 88 percentile in height, and in your first year you were measuring coming in at 2-3 percentile) and 21.2 pounds ( 1-2 percentile). I just can't see how you can be so above average in height and way below average in weight. You would think the extra weight from the height would help bump you up. And it's not like you look like a stick or anything. You pretty much look like a normal toddler to me.
Yesterday we went to the Thinkery and got to play outside at the currents fountain. You really enjoyed picking up the plastic bugs and throwing them back in. At one point, you picked up a metal scoop and was working on scooping the bugs out of the water, but the water resistance was too much so you needed some help.
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Playing with water makes us hungry! |
Since you have had a runny nose, I didn't want to chance it and get other kids sick by going out so we stayed at home a lot this past week. It turns out that it's probably allergies, but better to be safe. Here you are practicing your scooping skills. Pecans and spoons and tongs.
We've been doing a lot of home improvement projects this week and you've gotten a chance to see us use various tools: measuring tape, power drill, paint rollers, hammers, and even a miter saw. You've pretty much imitated us using each of these tools and if you got your hands on one, you would even give it a try yourself. Just today I watched you pick up a hammer and you were about to bang the wall where we had installed a chair rail. We are still working on your playroom and need a few shelves to complete the space. We will definitely post some pictures soon.
I am pretty convinced that you recently had a pretty big growth spurt. Your 12 month shirts are getting so short that we can almost see your belly button when you stand up straight. You are still eating a lot more than you used to, but some meals you don't eat as much. You are still requesting dip for almost all of your food. You even wanted to try ketchup on your blueberry pancakes. You ended up not liking that combination and started to draw in your ketchup and syrup. See the plane that you drew? What an artist! (I just helped by adding the tail of the plane)
Another cute picture of noodle stars on your face.
Your naps are starting to get shorter these past few days. It seems like you sleep for about an hour and then you just kind of lay in your crib quietly for another 30 minutes or so. I find that if I get you immediately after you wake up, you are super cranky. But if I give you some time alone and then come and get you, you are happy and alert.
Funny story about ice cream. Apparently, you really like ice cream. But since you don't know where we keep it, or how to say ice cream, you came up with a way to show us that you want some: by showing us a picture of an ice cream in one of your books. One night, you brought a book over to me, and when we got to that page with a bear holding an ice cream cone, you pointed at the ice cream and looked at me. I said "ice-cream' in Chinese, and then you nodded happily, and proceeded to climb down the chair, pointing outside the door.
When you want something, and we ignore you, or are busy, you will pull your face really close to ours and make sure we see what you are trying to sign or show us. You have even recently started to pull our legs or fingers if you want us to stop doing something and follow you.
You are getting to be a pretty good climber. Just today, while getting ready to go out, I left you by the car as I went in to take an allergy pill. When I came back out, you were climbing into the car and onto your carseat. When I made a big deal about it, you got the proudest look on your face. It was too cute. On the other hand, there have been times when you have not been the most helpful climber, and get yourself into dangerous situations.
In the mean time, you are still the happy, adventurous and loving boy that I am proud to be a mom of. I leave you with this adorable picture of you and your best friend, hugging each other goodbye.
Baby 2 update: no new symptoms, just stuffiness from allergies, but last night I got this feeling like I just wasn't getting enough air, to the point that I was suffocating. It got better when I stepped outside for some fresh air, but it was a scary feeling. We have not been as diligent in taking belly pictures as we did with Nathan, it kind of looks just the same. Maybe one day when I'm not wearing a T-shirt and work-out shorts, I'll take a bump pic. In two weeks we find out if Nathan will have a little brother or sister.
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