It's been a pretty uneventful week, which is fine, because we get to enjoy this awesome Texas fall weather. It's been dipping down into the 40s and 50s at night. You seem to wiggle out from underneath your covers, forcing me to get up several times a night just to put the covers back onto you, so I got you a sleep sack. It works wonders. You stay warm and toasty, and I get an uninterrupted night of sleep.
You've been talking more this week, making multi-syllabic sounds. It seems like you are saying "this" and "that" while you are pointing to things.
You still don't like to eat veggies, although tonight, I made beef stew and you actually ate okra! You love ham sandwiches, especially the ham. Usually, you deconstruct the sandwich, and eat the ham first. You are a funny boy.
This week, you have not been super interested in playing with toys. You are very focused on exploring and figuring out how things work around the house. You've tried to turn on the stove, open and shut various doors and drawers, and push buttons on various objects. The world is your playground and you just can't wait to explore all of it.
You are back to sleeping about 11 hours at night, which works out well because a 7 o'clock wake time works well. Even though I enjoyed sleeping in until 8, it really threw off your nap schedule.
So, with nothing new news to post, I'm just going to post some cute pictures.
One afternoon, you found a sticky mustache sticker and was holding it around your mouth. You must have remembered all the silly people who wore mustaches at your party. So, I stuck it on your face and showed you your reflection in the mirror. You were very amused. Then, I went on a mini photo-shoot frenzy. This is my favorite pic.
One afternoon, at the park, I put you at the top of the slide and you pushed yourself down. Afterwards, you wanted to do it again, so I kept setting you at the top of the slide and you would wiggle and push yourself over the edge to slide down.
We went to the park this weekend and you liked to look at the other kids play and push pebbles through the holes on the equipment.
I took this picture because you are now so big. Compared to 6 months ago months ago.
October 2013 |
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April 2013 |
Next week is Halloween. We'll get to wear our costumes and pass out candy. I bet you will love seeing all the cool costumes. I know I do.
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