Nathan has figured out how to get his way. Whine, Whine, Scream! This week, the boy has thrown a few temper tantrums. The worst one occurred when he wanted to play with the computer. He'll also whine to let you know that he wants to be picked up instead of being pulled to standing. While the screaming is a bit annoying, it's neat to see that he knows what he wants.

My sleep plan has not worked quite as well as expected. The waiting until he's tired thing worked, but it seemed like he was getting tired later and later every night. At one point, he was going down for the night at 10:30. So, we decided to have him cry it out again and after 3 days, his bed time is now pushed back to 8 or 8:30ish, and he now goes down without crying. I'm finding that the 2-3-4 hour nap system works well for Nathan. For the past few days, I've been carefully monitoring his sleepy signals and found that he will easily go down for a nap about 2 hours after he first wakes up, 3 hours after he wakes up from his first nap, and then we put him down for the night around 8. He's been napping longer, and sleeping pretty well. Last week his naps were so erratic. There was a day this week where he did not take any good naps. He would go down for 5 minutes, but then wake right up. That day, he was super clingy and fussy. It was also mopping day. So this is what ended up happening:

Nathan is cruising a lot better, but he seems to prefer cruising to the left. His crawl is less floppier, but still no 4 point crawling. Nathan's starting to bang 2 objects that are in his hands together, but he's still not clapping. Today, he was pretty consistent with giving me high fives. At his 9 month check up, everything looked good, except for his circumcision site. I won't go into the details here, but it was pretty funny how the pediatrician drew a picture of a penis on the examining table to explain what happened. Last time I saw an illustration of a penis was in a middle school student notebook.
Nathan has reached 17 pounds and is measuring 28 inches.
Since Nathan was starting to walk, I wanted to get him a little plastic walker, so we went to the consignment store to see what goods they had to offer. Kaching! They were having a clearance, so we ended up getting a bunch of clothes for next summer and a few toys. This is Nathan's favorite. He likes playing with the beads on the top.
He also likes playing with good old pots and whisks.
And wigs...
A few days ago, Nathan went over to a friend's house for a play date. It was fun. There was music playing in the background, with toys and babies everywhere!
It was cool to see the babies finally start interacting and playing together.
Recently, Nathan has gotten pretty lazy when it comes to eating. He was pretty much content with just opening his mouth and having food delivered right into his mouth. Well, today, I shoved a spoon full of food into his hand and while he was a bit confused at first, he eventually brought the food to his mouth and even tilted the spoon up a bit so that he could eat everything on the spoon. He then handed me the empty spoon for more. He seemed to be proud of himself.
The last few days has been a bit rough for me. I found out that I got a case of mastitis, which comes with flu like symptoms. Taking care of a baby while dizzy, tired, feverish, and with chills is not fun. Luckily my friend Hope came by to help me out for a few hours and Steve came home early to save the day. After I went to the doctor, I was able to just lay in bed the rest of the day and rest. With some antibiotics in my system and after many hours of much needed rest, I'd say I'm feeling about 95% better. Until next week!
I forgot to add that Nathan can also go from laying down to sitting up, but only in his crib. I'm not quite sure how he does it, but there's been a few times when I go to him after he's awake, and he's sitting up, playing or crying.