Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Ups and Downs of Week 27

This week has been a roller coaster as far as emotions and events. Let's start with an "up."
Nathan SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT for the first time ever! After the final dream feed at 10:30, he didn't wake until 5:52 am the next day.

Down: I did not get to sleep through the night. I woke up around 5:00 in pain. I was so engorged that it hurt even to walk. So I spent about an hour just pumping (by hand) to feel a bit better. And by the time I was finished, the little one woke up.

Up: Nathan can officially willfully roll over both ways. Often I would lay him down on his back to play and then step away. When I return, he is on his tummy.

Down: Nathan has allergies or a cold and so do I. Being congested is not fun. Being congested and taking care of a congested baby is not fun either.

Up: Nathan can sit up unsupported for a long time. Check out the picture where he's sitting inside the top drawer watching the fishes in his tank. (Fishes, because I'm referring to many types of fish)

Down: One of the fish died this week.

Up: Nathan is now a super eater. He probably takes after his dad with the fast eating...because I am probably the slowest eater that I know.

Down: I am utterly exhausted. With the congestion, and the frequent Nathan wakings, I find myself dragging. I just don't have the energy that I usually have to play with him. So, the day seems to drag on forever. I'm kind of feeling bored. I even googled "How to stay sane at home with a baby." The search results all suggested something along the lines of "do something for yourself." But I was hoping to find ideas of things I can do with a baby. Usually, if I get bored, we'll just go take a walk outside. But with oak pollen at its highest levels, I dare not step outside.  Luckily, the recent rains have allowed me to make short excursions outside. 

Up: Nathan is teething. I can feel a little hard lump on his bottom gum line. It feels a little swollen. 

Down: Nathan is teething. He's super super soaks his bibs after 15 mins. And super fussy at night. We've been having trouble putting him down to sleep in the evenings. Except for when we have company over, Nathan is almost always asleep by 8 pm. The past few days it's been later. We put him down, and he wakes up 15-20 minutes later. On top of that, he has not been sleeping longer than 3 hour stretches. I really just want to let him cry it out. But, I fear that he's teething and may need some comforting. So in desperation, I have been bringing him into bed with me. I'm going to go out and pick up some children's ibuprofen to see if it will help reduce the inflammation/irritation.

And we'll end with an up: Nathan had a super cool Easter. He spent it with his cousins and at Church, where he got a picture with the Easter bunny.

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