Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A little something for the toothfairy

Nathan's first tooth came through. Just for my records, it's his lower right front incisors. Teething pains have gone down a bit, but they are still slightly present.
While a part of me is super excited about this milestone, I can't help but be sadly reminded about how quickly he is growing. A tooth today, and pretty soon, he'll be going away to college. But for now, I will treasure every moment that I can cuddle with him and stroke his precious little cheeks.

After receiving several suggestions to use Hylands teething tablets, I finally gave in and got some. Being homeopathic, I am still a bit suspicious about their effectiveness. But, they seem to work pretty well for short term pain. Before the final nursing, I'll give Nathan some Advil. Since it takes about an hour to kick in, I will pop 2-3 of the teething tablets into his mouth after I lay him down in his crib. He smacks his tongue after they dissolve and I walk away. These tablets seem to have helped him fall asleep easier. Before I used the tablets, it was a battle that lasted sometimes an hour. While the trace of  belladonna that's in the tablets is slightly concerning, I have to trust that Hylands is putting out a product that will not harm innocent little babies.

Nathan's become a grabber. He pretty much grabs at anything colorful within his reach. If it's out of his reach, he will try to roll towards it: which is kind of neat. I don't think he understands print on say, a piece of fabric. He will often grab my shirt right where there's print, or he will grab at the print on the various mats or blankets that he plays on.

As far as new foods goes, we tried mango and papaya this week. He liked the mango, but not the papaya. He still love sweet potatoes and pears, but avocados are always a toss up.

Oh, so he SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT again. Last time he did it was between Monday and Tuesday, this time, it was also between Monday and Tuesday. He went down around 7:30 and didn't wake up until 3:30. And the best part about it was that I didn't wake up until 3:30 as well. 8 hours. While I was very hopeful that this would occur again the next night, I wasn't super surprised when it didn't. Oh, well. We take our victories as they come.

We went to a baby garage sale this past weekend and got a bunch of new toys for Nathan. It's definitely been easier trying to entertain him during the day since he has a bit more toys to play with. As much as I'd like him to have lots of toys to play with, I want to make sure that he doesn't get too much toys and starts to take them for granted. I also want him to be able to appreciate the outdoors and also be able to use his imagination to create things. Growing up, I think my sister and I were limited to one toy box full of toys. If it got full, and we got something new, we had to decide what to get rid of. Maybe we'll take a similar approach with Nathan.

As I was just thinking yesterday, I remember how my mom and grandmother used to keep me in line as a little kid. If I was doing something undesirable, they would tell me in chinese, "If you continue to do this, lay gong gong (the thunder god) will come and get you." And almost always, I would think, I'd better stop. Caus' he's scary. Come to think of it, for awhile the image of my grandfather (mom's dad) would come to my mind when they would threaten me. And when you combine that image, with the scariness of thunder, a kid submits. While I look back and chuckle at my mom and grandmother's silly methods, I wonder what sort of silliness I will resort to when I have to deal with Nathan's behavior.

Before I sign off of this post, I will share the surfing baby picture.

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