Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Hannah is a Decade Years Old

 Dear Hannah, 


It has been 5 months since I've last posted about you. You recently hit the decade mark and I am really proud of the person that you've become. 

Out of the 3 kids, you and I are most alike. I can always count on you wanting to accompany me anywhere that might seem fun to me to visit. 

All 3 of you like foraging for food. I mean, I think most people like to do it, but you get really excited and will go out on your own to look for edible things in nature. When you are stressed, you often ask if you can go on a hike through the woods near our house. 

You are brave and adventurous. You love being in nature and going on hikes. 

You are also very crafty. You love making crafts and learning how to make new things. 

For your 10th birthday, you asked to have it at a skating rink. You had your best friends there and we all had a blast. You also couldn't decide one flavor of cake, so we got 2. 

You are probably the bravest person in the family. When we went to the ocean over the summer, you were the only person in the family who went cliff diving. 

You still continue to love gymnastics. We decided to go the recreation route this season and it seems to be a better fit. You are still practicing as long as when you were on the team, but we don't have to go to competitions anymore and you are ok with it. 

You appreciate Nature, beautiful scenery and I can often sense you pausing to just soak everything in. 
You are a little foodie who is eager to try everything. You are braver than I am when it comes to spicy food! 

You beg for us to get another dog almost every day. We got you some fish, which you do a great job of taking care of. You love interacting with animals and ever since you were a child, you love to pet all the animals. You got to pet some chupacabras, sheep, alpacas, an albino kangaroo and a cat on our trip.  

You love to cook. You are now the Havlir waffle master. Anytime we have waffles, you are in charge of making them. I signed you up for a baking class and you made your own mango cake which was delicious! 
You are a beautiful girl who has a sense of style. This is probably where you and I differ the most. I like more traditional and plain clothing, you like florals and colorful pieces of clothing with ruffles. 

When we went to Taiwan, we had to recreate this photo. I think they have moved the panda that we took the picture of when you were 1 years old, I think this is close enough.

You are an amazing big sister to Hailey. You know exactly what she needs to hear when she is sad. You guys like to play together, but sometimes you also infuriate each other. 

4th grade Texas History Wax Museum

Mother's Day 2024

Excited to see all the amazing things you will be doing this year in 5th grade! You are participating in First Lego League Robotics this year and we will be having a competition at the end of this year! 

Until next post, 

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