Dear Hannah,
My dear middle child. You are curious, a little sassy, a little caring, and you still have a tough time making decisions. It's so crazy how much of myself I see in you. Dad makes comments like, "of course you would like/do..." all the time.
Hannah, Kinder Hannah, 4th gradeYou still love to explore and try all different types of food. So, for your birthday we went to Le Madeline's for some French cuisine.
You are quickly growing out of your clothes, so we went on a small shopping spree to restock your wardrobe.
You wanted to make your own cake, so that was easy enough and it ended up being absolutely delicious.
You continue to practice gymnastics and it is crazy to see you continue to get strong. You also are a part of a lego robotics team this year and you are enjoying it a lot. You continue to play viola and your tone is starting to feel a bit warmer and fuller -- less like large screeching cats. It's cool to see you get excited when you nail a piece that you've been working on line by line. You also say "wait" after you mess up, before looking closely at the music...something I used to catch myself doing as I practiced flute.
According to Ms. Maldonado, you are her favorite Havlir kid and you definitely don't let Nathan forget it.
I feel like I've finally gotten your schedule balanced out a bit so that you have time to be a kid. We paused martial arts for now. You miss it, but I think you definitely appreciate the free time.
When I'm home at night, you always still ask me if I would sing you a lullaby before bed and you always tell me you love me when I drop you off at gymnastics. I love you much!
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