Monday, February 24, 2020

Getting in a Good Rhythm

Dear Kids, 
This week's post will be a short one as I feel like life is just steady right now. We've gotten in a good rhythm and things are just...good. 

Seems like Valentines Day was just a week ago, but it's been 10 days. You both had the day off from school so while in the morning I had a meeting to attend, we got to make some chocolate covered strawberries in the afternoon. I remember back to when Nathan made strawberries the first time at the age of 2.5. You were the same age as Hailey!  

Fast forward 5 years, you two have it down! I didn't even know what to do with myself. 
Nathan, you did most of the dipping and Hannah, you decorated each one with an assortment of sprinkles.
Meanwhile, I searched the pantry to find other things we could coat in chocolate....potato chips!
With you guys this year it was like Valentine's week. I kept on getting suprised with random presents, cards, and I even got a dollar from Hannah.

Hailey, you are mostly potty trained. You know how to use the potty if I put you on it, but you are still working on being able to tell us when you need to go before the pee pee comes out. However, when you do, it's just a little and you are able to control your bladder until we reach a potty.

I have to watch you like a hawk. If I even attempt to multi-task, this is what I come back to.
I think you are starting to understand that you get 2 squares to wipe if you want to wipe yourself. You can definitely count to 2, sometimes you just forget and keep going!

One day Hannah and I had a mini date at the asian market. We got bubble tea to celebrate and we just had to take a picture to remember the moment. When you get individual attention, you are actually such a cool kid!
We also had parent teach conferences last week and Hannah, you walked around the room to show us all the things that you do in a day. Now Hailey knows what I mean when I respond to her daily morning quesion of, "Where's Hannah?" with "School."
Last week was also belt testing. Your whole class worked very hard and everyone was able to be promoted to the next belt.

As recommended by our dentist, we went in to see an orthodontist, who recommended that Nathan go see an ENT to see if there are any structural problems that conflict with breathing. You ended up having a cold on the day of the appointment, so we have to reschedule for another day when you are not. 

Hannah's second tooth is lose and is also about to come out anyday now. 

Hailey's vocabulary is starting to expand and you are now speaking more English than Mandarin. I think you understand both, but prefer to speak English. There are a few phrases where you will still use mandarin, but it's getting smaller. 

Well, that's about it for now. 
Until next time,

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