My Dear Honey Buns,
With each passing day, it gets more interesting to watch how the three of you interact with each other. Hailey, now that you are older, and saying more 3 word phrases like, "Can't reach it," "Nathan, Stop it!" or "I like it." the older kids now kind of know what to do with you. They still need to work on talking to you when you do something annoying (as opposed to just pushing you away, or frantically calling for my help).
Nathan and Hannah, Hailey really does look up to you two and while sometimes your temper tantrums scare her, she watches your every move and misses you both when you are at school.
Hailey, now that we've cracked the puzzle of your lactose intolerance, you seem to be exploding in your language development and you generally are just happier and more care free. Living in a state of chronic tummy pain has got to be tough. You can now focus on other things like being helpful with sock matching,
Dinner prep
You love peeling the strings off of snow peas. |
Dressing yourself
You were very proud about putting on these socks all by yourself. |
Texas "Ice" skating
You love the "ice skating" station at gymnastics. |
Illustrating your own books,
We created a book about a chicken family one day. You were telling me to draw all sorts of things, so I decided to make a book out of it. I drew and you helped color. |
This was at Nathan and Hannah's school dance. You would just raise your hands and jump up and down with the music. I've never heard you giggle so much, and you were simply loving all of it. Livin' la vida loca! |
Eating oatmeal once again,
You've always loved oatmeal, but I stopped making it when we figured out you couldn't do dairy and didn't like the soy milk version of oatmeal. You now request it every morning! You love it with milk, sugar and eggs, no fancy stuff like blueberries (I learned the hard way). |
And just being goofy. You love pretending and imitating what we do regularly and it's so endearing to see how you nurture your stuffed animals (except for when you throw them across the room during a tantrum) I'm hoping that your nurturing nature is a reflection of how I am with you. You would think that after 3 kids to practice on, I'd finally get it right!
Hannah, you are back to loving martial arts. Below, you are working on your blocks.
Everyone earned power stripes this week so next week, you all will be going through belt testing for the next orange striped belt. Exciting!
Hannah earning power stripe. |
Last weekend, you had a special father-daughter dance with Daddy at church. Many of your friends were there with their daddys and at some point, I receive a text message with you and your friends dancing up on stage with feathered boas and tiaras to boot. We took a picture before the date...
and then both Nathan and Hailey complained about wanting to be in the picture (well, Nathan was attempting to drop a photo bomb) and Hailey was just running around screaming, "Cheese!" So we let you two get in on the picture.
Last week I got to volunteer at Chinese school and when I shadowed you around, I realized just how little chinese you can speak. At home, you can understand most of what I say, but when it comes to speaking, you can't seem to recall the vocabulary needed. I'm going to try to make more of an effort to helping you be able to speak more.
We've been working on phonics both in chinese and english. We are on chapter 72 out of 100 in the learn how to read book and we are about 70% finished with re-learning the chinese phoenetic alphabet. This past Sunday, you all skipped Chinese school and I just did the lessons with ya'll at home. This helped me realize that I can be doing more to help you both learn Chinese.
A few weeks ago, you both went to a friend's nerf party. As the only girl at the birthday party, I was very proud of you as you ran around with the boys in the arena. You even requested your next birthday party to be there.
I've noticed that you've started to be more socially aware of what others are doing and you tend to not want to be the only person doing it. Like me, you want to fit in and and not stick out. I get it, but I'm going to continue to encourage you to speak up and stand your ground for what you think is right. You've got fiest in you and I'm not gonna squash it.
I've really enjoyed our time in Math Pentathlon together. Even though I'm coaching a group of 16 kids, I still feel like it's our thing and you being the oldest, don't get that too often. I asked you if you wanted to still participate next year and you said, "Are you kidding? I love math and I love board games, of course I want to be in it!"
You also love martial arts. You are very enthusiastic, often wanting to show off what you know, the moves that you have, and usually responding with the loudest voice in the class. I can see that you want to do your best. I actually took this picture below because you had offered to take both yours and Hannah's backpack, along with the math pentathlon box because you wanted to work on your muscles. Apparently Hannah wants to get stronger too because by the time we reached the house, both of you were fighting over who gets to hold everything, and meanwhile a dog walker walks by wondering why I'm making you guys carry all the things...
The school dance was a blast for everyone. Once again, you both gravitated towards the stage...
Your room is basically a lego mine field. Legos are literally everywhere. I'm surprised you have not hurt yourself by stepping on one in the middle of the night. You still enjoy playing legos, but recently, you've been playing with the duplo set and you even taught me that the duplos are compatible with the regular legos! Mind blown!
I had to snap this picture because I found it so sweet that you were petting Teddy and that he trusted you enough to actually fall asleep. I think back to your toddler days when Teddy had a fear of your toddler fingers and would run away when you got remotely close.
I also look forward to our evening game time. I'm at roller derby practice 2 nights out of the week, but it's fun to be able to play games and see your critical thinking skills improve over time.
I saw this come through the take-home folder and I just love everything about it. You love math and science (as a science teacher, this makes me soooooo proud). I also think it's endearing that you know you get frustrated easily, and you want to stop. And I love your people figures with their elongated necks and chubby fingers!
And this sweaty final picture from the nerf party shows your intensity in life. You go big or you go home. That is your motto and I love it!
It's been about 7.5 years since I've become a mom and for the first time in a long time, I am finally feeling more of myself again. For so long, I've been so focused on survival and making sure that I was making attempts to check things off of the checklist, that I forgot how to be fun and funny. I think I created some undue stress on you kids and now that I've changed (maybe it's the sleep?) I can feel more connected to you all and I feel like you all are more at ease with me. I hope this continues and is the "me" that you will remember me by.